Chapter 23 - Attention

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Aubrey's POV

Everything is in place.

Two minutes before the bell rings, Taylor and I excuse ourselves from our respected classes. She's waiting outside my class when I get out.

"Hurry up," she says, pulling me by the arm.

"He's not even out yet," I say. She rolls her eyes and stops when we're around the corner from his first period class. No one else is in the hallway except two art kids who are working on painting a poster for student government. They don't look up, both caught up in their art.

"In a minute, Connor is going to walk out of the classroom first." Taylor explains.

"How do you know that—" she cuts me off.

"Have a little faith, will you? I dated this kid for like three years. He's predictable." I shrug.

"Okay," she continues. "See those two?" She points to the art kids. I nod. "When he comes out, the girl is going to accidentally knock over that bucket of paint next to her. Then, he'll probably get mad and eventually sulk over to his locker." Taylor explains, pointing down the hall. She starts walking again, her pace brisk. Without consulting anything, she spins the dial on Connor's lock and it clicks open.

My mouth drops open at the sight of the inside. His locker is stuffed full of random stuff. Chocolate boxes, teddy bears, dead roses, you name it. Things he probably gave to girls over the years.

Taylor looks impressed with herself. "That's not even the worst part." She moves some of the stuff out of the way and my mouth almost drops open.

Every inch is covered in either pictures of Connor making out with girls or Connor doing drugs or just Connor doing things he's not supposed to be doing. If anyone ever saw, it'd be the end of him and his school career and life in general. I can't tell if I pity him or not. Besides the pictures, there are also colorful post-it notes on top of those pictures with names of girls.

I point to those and say, "What are the names for?"

Taylor grins. "Those are the names of every girl he's ever fucked or fucked over."

I raise my eyebrows. "Did you—"

"Ask them? Please, I woke up to a thousand text messages from those girls. They all happily decorated his locker with me this morning. And no," she says, reading my mind, "He hasn't seen it yet." I can't help but be impressed with Taylor. When she wants something, she gets it done. She had just come up with this plan last night on the phone with me and already it was reality.

Taylor shows me her phone. On it, she has typed: Meet outside room B107 after first period if you want a good show.

She raises her eyebrows at me for approval. Her finger hovers over the blue send button. All her contacts are already selected at the top. I nod once and then it's done.

I jump when the bell rings, signaling the end of first period. Taylor grabs my arm and drags me back down the hallway to the original spot she brought me to. "In three, two..." The door to Connor's class opens and true to her word, Connor steps out first, laughing about something his friend behind him said. "One." Taylor whispers.

It happens so naturally that a bystander nearby wouldn't even question it. With a knock of her foot, the hot pink paint spills over Connor's perfectly white shoes. He jumps back immediately, but not fast enough. The paint covers his shoes and he curses, stumbling backwards into his friend.

"Oh shit," his friend laughs, clapping Connor on the back. Connor doesn't seem to be as happy. He stalks over to the girl and spins her around angrily.

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