Chapter 16 - Keeping Secrets

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Aubrey's POV

Connor meets me at my locker this morning.

"Hey, babe," he says, leaning against the locker next to mine, blocking the girl whose locker it belonged to. She stands awkwardly next to him holding a bunch of notebooks in her hands but lacks the courage to speak up and ask him to move.

"Hey yourself," I close my locker and lock it. "What's up?"

"So you know about the 'Spring Fling' dance coming up?" he asks, making it seem like a no big deal.

"Yeah," I say, knowing what came next.

"Will you be my date?" he asks.

It's like reading a cliche book. The words come out of his mouth exactly like I remember the way the story was written. It was practiced and I knew he had said this to many girls before me. I can't even force myself to feel something for him.

"Sure," comes out of my mouth instead. "I mean, you are my boyfriend," the words seemed so unfamiliar to me and wrong in my mouth.

He flashes a confident smile at me. "I'll pick you up at seven?"

"Seven," I repeat. But I know he'll be late.

"Cool," he pecks my cheek with a kiss and saunters over to where the rest of his friends were. He lets out a hoot and disappears into his crowd.

I sighed and walked out of the school, swinging my book bag over my shoulder, and waited for Layla to pick me up and drive me to the hospital to visit Danielle.

After fifteen minutes, her red car pulls up at the curb and I climb in.

She doesn't say anything the entire time there.

It's not until we reach the main doors of the dropping-off area in front of the hospital that she decides to say, "Some boy passed out in her room when he visited her."

"What?" I say.

"You'll see soon enough. I don't know who did, but it was absolutely hilarious." she laughs as she drives away.

I take the elevator up to the eleventh floor and when it makes a bing sound, indicating that I had arrived, I walk out and head for Danielle's room.

Right before I pass the lobby of the hospital, I walk up to some receptionist named JULIA and I asked her, "May I visit the boy who passed out in Danielle Peazer's room?"

I don't know why I asked that, or wanted to know who it was, but I guess I was just too curious to see who I might find there.

"Liam Payne, is it, sweetheart?" she asks kindly.

"I think so," I say with a shrug.

I follow her as she leads me to a different room, marked 6354.

"Right in there, sweetheart," she says, pointing at the door.

"Thank you," I say, before I quietly creak the door open just enough for a little peek to see who was inside.

But I almost slammed the door in response because...

It was him again.

Liam's POV

My dreams were crowded with the realization that this Danielle Peazer who I hit, was the girl I've been looking for.

I couldn't help but feel disappointment when I realized that this was it. That she was the girl I've been looking for. But I don't feel anything but guilt. I don't feel anything towards her.

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