Chapter 2: The Meetings.

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Wes' POV

"Okay Mel. I'll text you when we're almost done so you can be ready." I said kissing Melanies forhead.

"Alright. Have a good meeting babe." she said as I walked out the house. I plopped down into the passanger seat of Drew's car and we turned the radio on and were on our way.

"So do you guys know what Jared wants to talk to us about?" I asked looking up from my iPhone.

"Nah." Drew replied

"I think he wants to talk about the album release date and the video for Chloe." Keaton said never taking his eyes off his phone.

"What are you doing Keat? Your eyes have been glued to your phone for the past 2 days." I said looking him up and down.

"Kaci has been sending me stuff and I've been planning something for her. " he replied.

"Oh yea. I forgot her birthday is soon isnt it?" I questioned.

"Yep. She comes back from visiting her cousins in Boston 2 days before and I want it to be special." he said smiling.

"Lil Keat is Head Over Heels for Kaci." i mocked

"That's so cute" Drew cooed and we both laughed.

"So are y'all two." he shot back laughing.

"True. True." Drew said smiling and rubbing his face. Within the next 5 minutes we pulled up to the building we were having the meeting at.

We walked inside and took the elevator up to the 10th floor. We were talking when we all came to a hault and the elevator doors opened revealing Jared, Ranel, and some other business guys.

"What's up boys?" Jared said as he shook our hands. "Lets head into the room and get this meeting started. We all followed him into and took our seats.

"So what's up Jared?" Drew asked

"Alright so you guys have been doing a lot of touring in America and selling things out within a max of 2 minutes." he stated and we all nodded smiling. "So i was thinking. How do you guys feel about going over seas?" he asked looking between all of us. We all looked at one another and cheered.

"Wow, I'm down." Drew said

"I'm stoked! When are we leaving!" Keaton screamed causing all of us to laugh.

"You know I'm down!" I said

"Alright. GREAT! So we're going over seas. We're going to head to Brazil first since that's where a majority of your other fans are and then we're going to Italy and so on. We're also going to be shooting the video for Chloe next week so get ready!" Jared stated looking between us and his phone smiling. Jared and that phone can work wonders.

"That sounds dope. When are we leaving and where are we shooting the vid?" Drew asked

"A couple of months. You boys need to rest and take a little break since you just finished your East Coast and Back To Cali Tour. I'm not sure where we're going to shoot the video but I'll find out soon. Now head home and enjoy your mini vacation. I'll keep you updated." he said getting up and leaving.

We all sat there in our seats still taking in the news we just got.

"I can't believe this is happening." Keaton said

"Me either bro. Me either." i replied putting my hand on his shoulder and pushing him lightly.

"Well. You two heard what he said. LETS GO ENJOY OUR VACATION!" Drew yelled before jetting towards the door and to the elevator and Keaton and I followed suit. Once we got in the elevator I pulled out my phone to text Melanie to get ready. I wanted to take her out. Just me and her. Without anyone else like it's been since we've been on tour.

I called her and on the fourth ring she answered.

"Wes. I was just about to call you. I have an important meeting at work. It'll only take a max of 20 minutes because you know Cristal has ADHD and won't sit in the same spot for a long time." she said laughing.

"Yea, I know. Well call me when you're done. We can meet at our usual spot." I said into the phone.

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon." she said back before we hung up.

Mels' POV

"Yea, I know. Well call me when you're done. We can meet at our usual spot." Wes said into the phone.

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon." I said before we hung up.

My boss Cristal called me and wanted to talk about something so I got dressed and headed right over to this diner where Cristal held meetings because she though it was cooler. Cristal was about 4 years older then me but she helped me with everything and I thanked her for that. I walked into the diner and was immediately greeted by Cristal, Jack, and Harry.

"Hey gorgeous!" Cristal said getting up and kissing my cheek.

"Hi! So what's up with this meeting?" I asked sitting down.

"Alright, so ... I was talking to some people and they want you to fly out to Italy in a couple months for a meeting and you could possibly get a spot on the upcoming Alexander McQueen project for winter 2013." she finished smiling then adding a wink.

"You're kidding me right? Thi-this isn't reality. ME? Alexander McQueen? WHAT?!" I said smiling harder then I imagined I was.

"Honey, you deserve this. Don't act all suprised." Jack smirked rubbing my hand.

"Cristal, I can't. Thank you so much! I really don't know how to repay you." I told her through the tears.

"Melanie, you have an amazing head on your shoulders. The only thing you can do to repay me is become the person you told me you wanted to be and don't let anyone stop you." she said smiling warmly at me. "Now, I know you want to go tell that amazing boyfriend of yours. Now run off and I'll text you with the details when I get them all together."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I told her again hugging her, Jack then Harry.

I walked out the diner and pulled out my cellphone.

"Wes! I just got out my meeting. We need to talk!" I said through the receiver cheesing like the joker.

"Yea babe. Calm down!" he replied laughing.

"I'm sorry I'm just so excited and waaah. I have some amazing news." I screeched and received a laugh from Wes.

"I do too. Now get here so we can tell each other!" he told me.

"Alright, alright. I'm actually driving now so yea. Look out for me." I said then hung up. Within like the next 2 minutes I pulled up into the parking lot and parked. I hopped out the car and looked at my reflection fixing my hair, makeup and my outfit then walked across the street to meet Wesley.


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