Chapter 7: Decisions.

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I looked at Melanie sitting there with her head in her hands. I didnt really know how to react, especially with what just happened. She just came face to face with her mother after 5 years. I looked at Drew who was probably thinking the same thing as I was.

"Babe." I said as I sat down next to Melanie. She didnt say anything . "Do you need time alone?"

"No!" she said quickly looking up and I could tell she was re-living the moments with her mom again and again in her head.

"Mel. Are you going to talk to her?" Drew asked cautiously

"For what? She was never there for me." she responded before continuing. "Wes, can you get me my phone from over on the coffee table?" I got it and handed it to her.

"Who are you calling?" I asked

"My dad" she said before punching in a number and putting the phone on speaker because she was shaking she couldnt hold it up to her ear.

*Phone Conversation*

"Dad!" Melanie said

"Hey boo boo. What's up? he questioned

"Did you give Nancy my address?" she asked

"No. She's back?" he asked surprised

"Yea and somehow she found out where I lived."

"Did you talk to her?"

"Yea, she wanted to start over and all this other crap. I just dont want anything to do with her dad." she said quietly

"Melanie, your an adult now. If this was back in 10th grade I would of made you atleast go to dinner with her. But your older now and it's your decision to make on whether you want to gain a relationship with your mother or not have anything to do with her again. Whatever you chose to do is all you and I can't make you feel bad or praise you for it." he told her honestly.

"I know dad. Thanks and I love you." she said sweetly then hanging up.

*End of conversation*

I looked at her and she looked between Drew and I.

"Do you guys want me to talk to her?" she asked

"Only if you want to." Drew said and I nodded in agreement.

"I'll figure out if I want to talk to her within the next couple of days. For now I just need to think." She replied and excused herself before going up the stairs.

"She's not going to talk to her mom is she man?" Drew questioned looking at me.

"I dont even know dude. Melanie doesnt really hold grudges but this mom thing is a whole other story." I told him.

"I know what her mom did to her was beyond bad but she was strunge out. She probably really didnt know what she was doing." he stated.

"Your right but she still could of came to her senses when her daughter was crying out for her to stop." I retorted and Drew shook his head in agreement.

Mels POV

I was sitting in the middle of Wes' bed staring into space. I cant believe my mom was bold enough to come to my house. Like, did she think I was I going to welcome her with open arms or what? She screwed me over so bad and left me by myself and  hated her for that. Yet another part of me wanted to hug her tight and forget everything she's done because the past is the past and I'm a better person now. Before she left she slipped a paper into my pocket of my sweats and I took it out. It was a note.

I know I'm the last person you want to talk to or even see but I miss you. I love you and if you do decide to call me whether it's tonight, tomorrow, next month or next year, my number will always be the same. -Love, Mom . (253-834-3563)

I looked at the note and saved the number into my phone just incase I wanted to call her. I needed to get my mind off of this so I got dressed into a black tanktop that said 'I like Science' some hollister shorts, red Toms and I added some read lipstick and some eyeliner and mascara. ( ). I wrapped my hair into a high top bun and grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

"Wes, do you want to go on a walk with me?" I asked Wes.

"Awe babe I have to go help my mom with stuff. I'll call her and-" he started

"No, it's fine. Go and tell her I said HI." I told him as he headed up the stairs then turned to Drew.

"Is that your way of asking me to come with you?" he asked laughing.

"Yes." I giggled.

"Alright. Let me go get dressed and then I'll be back." he told me then went upstairs. He came back down in less then 10 minutes. He left his hair spikey and added a white bandana, a white vneck, tan pants and some jordan slides. "Are you done examing my outfit Mello?

"Oh yea I'm sorry. You should really wear bandanas more with your hair like that. It looks really nice." I told him as we walked out the house. I took my phone and turned on City and Colours' "As Much As I Ever Could" since it calmed me down. "Thanks for getting me hooked Mr. Chadwick." I said punching him playfully.

"Lost at sea, my heartbeat was growing weak. Hoping you'd hear my plead and come save my life." Drew sang as we walked down the sidewalk and I felt so calm. His voice was so nice and soothing. I didnt say anything as we walked and he sang along to the song before I felt tears trickle down my face.

"Mello? Why are you crying?" he asked stopping and turning toward me.

"I hated my mom for so long. When I seen her, a part of me wanted to hug her and never let go. She finally looked like the mom I remember before she went all drug addict on me." I told Drew truthfully as I wiped tears away from my face and we headed to the beach and sat on the sand looking out at the ocean.

"Mello. If you felt that way then maybe you should talk to her. Start over and get a clean slate. You'll never forget what she did but it's not bad to forgive. You've come a long way since then and since you've been back from ya know" he said not saying 'rehab' because he thought it got me, then continued "you seem to have a whole new aura about you and you seem at peace with yourself but it won't be legit until you actually talk to Nancy." he finished rapping his arm around me comforting.

"Your right Drew. I knew something positive would come out of this walk. Thanks DrewskiMooskie." I said hugging him and we watched the ocean waves hit the sand and go back.


Hey everyone! Okay, I'm sorry I havent updated in awhile. I didnt know what to write. I was actually going to update Saturday because I finally got an Idea but the boys had the fan event in Philly and I couldnt pass it up. DONT JUDGE ME! Well yea... thoughts on this chapter? Hate it? Love it? Should I have put more in it? Should Melanie go through and talk to Nancy (her mom)? Or NO? COMMENT. VOTE. SHARE. LEAVE FEEDBACK AND ALL THAT OTHER GOOD STUFF. I LOVE Y'ALL (:

PS: SORRY for any errors. I edited but even after I post it I'm going to be checking over it. So bare with me!

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