Chapter 20: Results.

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Melanies POV

I parked the car in the lot of the doctors office. My heart racing, palms sweaty and eyes searching for an unknown answer in the distance.

"Melanie, let's go. It'll be okay." I looked over at Kaylannie who was with me in the passenger seat. She convinced me to come to the doctors to see what's wrong with me. I nodded with my mouth slightly open before opening the car door and stepping out. Wes was with the guys over his moms house getting stuff ready for this bbq they were having. "You ready?"

"Yep." I answered and we walked into the building. I signed my name and within 10 minutes I was being called back by a nurse.

"Melanie Thomas?" she asked aloud and I got up pulling Kay behind me as we followed the short brunette down a hall into a room. "You two can have a seat here. Dr. Goldsburg should be in here soon." she told us before walking out the door.

"I hate the doctors. So. Freaking. Much." I whined.

"Oh, Melanie stop being a punk." Kay teased.

"Shut up." I poked my tounge out at her before scanning my phone.

"Mrs. Thomas?" a voice said. I looked up to see a tall, red head, who had to be about 26 standing in front of me.

"That's me." I raised my hand

"No need to raise your hand. Were not in school." she joked coming over to me. "So why are you here today?"

"Well, I've been having random nose bleeds,coughing, aching, and my throats been sore. I've also been throwing up a lot and headaches." I told her in one whole breath.

"Okay. Well let's check your temperature." she said grabbing a thermometer and placing it under my tounge. She pulled it out and jotted something down. "Well, you have a mild fever and all the symptoms of a virus. Just in case though, we'll have to take some blood and urine test. Is that fine?"

"Ye-yea. As long as I find out what's wrong with me I'll do anything." I replied and she handed me the cup for the urine test. I went to the bathroom and then brought the cup back to her. Then she took blood. As she finished, I started asking questions. "How long until you find out what's going on with me?"

"Well, we have new advanced technology so It'll take about two hours to get results. You can either wait here, or I can call you." she responded wiping the spot where the needle was and placing a bandaid over it.

"I actually have a gathering to go to. Can you just call me?" I asked and she shook her head.

"That's fine. I'll be speaking with you in awhile Melanie." she said as Kay and I walked out the room.


"No Drew. Go away, this is my cake!" I yelled at Drew as he tried to steal my cheesecake out the palms of my hand.

"Nope. You knew I wanted that piece." he replied.

"Dude, it's a whole freaking cake over there for you to eat and you want mine?" I asked through laughs.

"Pretty much." he joked before stopping and sitting down.

"Melanie, what did the doctor say? If you dont mind me asking." Laraine questioned

"Oh, it's fine. She said she's pretty sure I have a virus. She ran some test just to double check and she said she'll call me within two hours." I told her.

"Okay. What time did you go?" she asked

"Uhm, 12:30?"

"Well, it's 2:45. Go check your phone." she stated and I nodded before getting up. I walked into the house and Laraine was right. I had one missed call and a voicemail. I clicked the button and pressed in my passcode before Dr. Goldsburgs' voice came on the phone.

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