Chapter 33 - Planning the Wedding

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Wes' POV

"Your leaving mid tour?" Drew asked as we all sat around the table in the lobby

"I'm sorry but Melanie is going through something and I can't tour and perform knowing how she is. I can't let her down like all the other times." I retorted

"So, what exactly happened? Did her and her mom have a falling out or.." Keaton questioned

"Her mom has HIV and started using drugs again." I spoke and both Keaton and Drews eyes grew wide. "I know."

"Well, you go do what you got to do man. We have one last show tomorrow so it won't be a biggie." he said playing with MJ.

"Wesley, the car is here to take us to the airport." my mom quietly spoke from behind me. I picked up all my stuff while she got MJ and his things and we all piled into the car. We drove in silence for a minute before either of us spoke.

"Mom, I'm sorry for spazzing out on you like that last night. You know I'd never act like that." I apologized

"I know baby." she replied kissing my cheek and patting my hand.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the airport and the others already started to board the plane. We sent our stuff quickly through security and were on the plane before we knew it. I called Melanie and she didn't answer; she called right back though.


"Hey babe. You okay?"

"Hey Wes. I'm fine, is MJ good? Are you and everyone else good?"

Old Mel. Always worrying about someone else; that's why I love her. "Yea Mel, were fine. How's your mom?"

"I don't know. We haven't really talked since yesterday."

"Don't you think you should talk to her?"

"I've tried. She's just taking the news pretty hard."

"Are you okay?"

"Honestly? I'm fine. I mean that is my mom, and she does have .. ya know, but it all happened for a reason and I can't change it. I just really miss you guys and can't wait to see you after the tour is over. I wanted to go to the beach this morning but I wanted to go with you and well yea."

"Well it's almost over so we'll see each other soon."


"Promise. Listen I have to leave we have uh a meeting. I'll call you later."


"Okay, love you." I finished and Melanie said a quick 'I love you too' then hung up.

Melanies POV

"Are you okay?"

"Honestly? I'm fine. I mean that is my mom, and she does have .. ya know, but it all happened for a reason and I can't change it. I just really miss you guys and can't wait to see you after the tour is over. I wanted to go to the beach this morning but I wanted to go with you and well yea."

"Well it's almost over so we'll see each other soon."


"Promise. Listen I have to leave we have uh a meeting. I'll call you later."


"Okay, love you." Wes finished and I said a quick 'I love you too' then hung up.

He was lying about something and I knew it. He always says "I uh" when he's lying but I didn't say anything. I just shrugged it off and put on my boots, grabbed my purse and left out the house [OUTFIT IN EXTERNAL LINK]. Even with everything going on Wesley and I still had a wedding that I, at least needed to have somewhat in order just incase things get worse or better from now on. I had a meeting with Matthew to check out a couple of the places we could have the wedding, then I had to go dress shopping. I was going to take my mom but she's kind of depressed so once Laraine gets back she can step in and help. After that I had to figure out what my bridesmaids and maid of honor were wearing then I'd leave the groomsmen, music and food to Wesley because I'm not doing this crap by myself. When he got back though we were having a cake tasting.

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