Chapter 37 - "Did I ever tell you about that time I fell?"

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A/N - *outfit in external link*

Mels POV

"Mom! I'm hungry." MJ yelled in my face for the 5th time in the last 2 minutes.

"Baby, mommy is busy. Tell your dad to make you something please?" I asked him as nice as I could.

"I want you to make it." he said standing his ground

"I can't MJ, I have work to finish just please ask your dad. Go." I said sternly and he stomped into the livingroom.

Wes and I had gotten back from the honeymoon a week ago and we've both been extremely busy. I had things to do for work, and school plus he and the guys had meetings, and interviews. I was so stressed but I knew I had to get everything done.

"Melanie, why aren't you feeding MJ?" Wes asked walking into the room with MJ behind him.

"Wes, I have to finish sketching things out and pick fabric for the Dior Store, and on top of that, I have an assignment for class due in two days and I haven't even started it either. You don't have anything to do today so can you please just fix him something to eat?" I begged.

"Fine. Finish what you're doing." Wes said kissing my forhead and fixing MJs food.

I finished sketching, and started writing my paper and I literally didn't move from the spot I was in until like 8 or 9 that night. I emailed it to my teacher, and went to the fridge to get something to eat. I searched and found a container with my name on it in Wes' handwriting. I placed it on the counter and opened it to find a tuna melt, with grapes on the side compartment of it.

I decided to go take a quick shower, and put on sweatpants and a white tanktop then went back downstairs. I got my food and turned on the recorded espisode of America's Next Top Model making myself comfortable in the livingroom. About 25 minutes into the show I realized it was quiet - too quiet. No little feet padding around or a guitar strumming or even humming. Where is my my husband and son?

Me: Wes, where are you?

WesWes: I'm at Drew and Imans.

Me: When did you leave?

WesWes: At like 5:30. You don't remember me telling you we were leaving?

Me: No, I really don't. What time are you guys coming back?

WesWes: Whenever you're done with your school work and everything. I just wanted to give you some quiet time.

Me: Oh, well I'm done now and I'm bored and miss you guys so come on (:

WesWes: Haha, okay. We're on our way.

With that I finished watching the episode. Then I started watching FairlyOdd Parents, because well it was my calmer and relaxer.

"MOM! WE'RE HOME!" MJ yelled running into the livingroom where I was and jumping on me and I hugged him tightly.

"Hey! Did you have fun at Drew and Imans house?" I asked and he nodded his head viciously with a smile planted on his face.

"Yea! Aunt Iman made cupcakes and let me eat a spoonful of icing and the batter. Then daddy and uncle Drew let me help them with something. It was kind of boring" he said whispering the end and I laughed. By that time Wesley was seated next to me on his phone.

"So, did you finish everything you needed to?" he questioned rapping his arm around me.

"Yep! It seemed like it took me forever but I'm done." I noted

Mirrors - Wes Stromberg Story [HTB Sequel]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora