Chapter 9: Secrets/Planning

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Mels POV

I woke up the next morning to the strumming of a guitar. I looked over and sitting in the corner at a table was Wesley. He had his back to me and I looked over every inch of his body. His hair was scattered all around his head, he had sweatpants on and was of course shirtless. His back muscles were like perfection and they lifted and fell everytime he strummed a different string on the guitar. I got up quietly and tip toed over to him before lacing my arms around his neck and I felt his breath on my hands. I smiled before I spoke.

"Goodmorning" he said kissing my arm and I felt him smile into it.

"Morning hot stuff." I giggled before kissing him on the neck in return. He sat the guitar down and pulled me into his lap and as he sat me down he snuggled his nose in the creek of my neck.

"So, I didnt get to talk to you last night since I wasn't home when you got here. I'm guessing by your mood everything with Nancy with good?" he asked

"As much as I would want to deny it, good is an understatement. It went amazing actually." I told him.

"That's great. What happened?" he questioned looking at me.

"Well, she was some of the reason I got the job at Dior and into FIDM." I satated.

"What? How?" Wes exclaimed.

"She knew the Dean. They used to be bestfriends and I found out she's been in California for two years."


"She knew the Dean. They used to be bestfriends and I found out she's been in California for two years." Mel told me.

"So why is she just now showing up?" I asked suspiciously.

"She said she didnt know if it was a good idea. That doesn't matter now though because after we talked about you, school, work and all that I see where she's coming from." she stated.

"Y'all were talking about me?" I asked smiling.

"Yep!" Mel said popping her P

"What did you?" I questioned and she laughed

"Nothing really. I told her that we met at a party. I told her about our break-up and make-ups." she told me and a I frowned. "She doesn't think you're a horrible person Wesley." she said as she took my face in her palms before continuing. "She thinks you're a sweet and protective boyfriend and she said she can tell you mean a lot to me."

"Well, I'm glad." I muttered and she kissed my face.

"So, where were you last night. I heard you shuffling and stuff, messing up a young thugs sleep." she exclaimed making a weird pose and I laughed.

"I was at the studio" I lied and she looked at me confusingly but brushed it off.

"Oh, okay. Well do you wanna hang out today? Just me and you, or are you busy?" she questioned getting up and looking through the drawer for clothes.

"Nope I'm free. Just you and me today." I told her as I grabbed my phone then walked passed her hitting her butt. She looked at me and smirked as I winked then closed the door behind me.

I walked down the steps and into the kitchen greeted by Keaton and Kaci.

"Waddup?" I yelled going to the fridge and grabbing a protein shake.

"Hey Wes." Kaci said smiling. She was always in a good mood and I liked that about her.

"Wassup man?" Keaton asked looking up at me over his laptop screen.

"Nothing. Did you do what I told you? Or were y'all too busy doing who knows what." I asked looking between both of them.

"Nope. We got it all done." Keaton said.

"Did she question you about coming in late last night?" Kaci asked

"Yea, but I told her I was at the studio." I said between gulps of my drink.

"Melanie finds things out Wes. So you better be careful." Kaci informed me.

"I know. I just need to hide it from her for the next two weeks. Hopefully fait will be on my side." I said feeling kind of defeated because I knew Kaci's words were true.


I know that the chapter is short ... sorry! So, what do you think Wes is hiding? Is it good? Bad? Let me know what you think! COMMENT. VOTE. SHARE. LEAVEFEEDBACK AND ALL THAT OTHER STUFF. LOVE Y'ALL ^_^


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