Chapter 27: Touring

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Mels POV

"Wes, do you have the bags? Is all the baby food in there? What about the bottles?" I asked as I raced around the room throwing clothes into a bag.

"Yes, babe. Calm down." he replied grabbing my arm and pulling me into him as I looked up towards his face. "We've had all this packed since last week. Everythings here, just relax." he calmed me as he stroked the side of my face.

"I know. I just dont want-"


"Okay fine. Fine. We have everything. OMG, where's MJ?!"

"Babe! He's with my mom." Wesley laughed as I slumped my shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed. I don't want anything to go wrong on the tour and MJ and I have to come home early."

"You won't Mel, it'll be okay." he said to me as he sat down on the bed pulling me to his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder where it was exposed because of the loose tank top I was wearing. "Everything is going to be okay, your going to be on tour with us from beginning to end. I promise."

"I know. I'm so excited to see you guys perform. It's going to be amazing, and I'm going to vlog the whole time. Everyday, night ... the whole time."

"Are you going to put it on YouTube?" he laughed

"I don't know. Maybe I will so I can be YouTube famous." I sang laughing in the process.

"Your basically already famous, and even if you put up a video saying hi and something simple you'll get over a million views in one day."

"Okay, that's only because I'm engaged and had a baby by you. I don't want them to just know me as "Wesley's baby mom and fiancé." I told him and he nodded his head before my phone went off. I jumped up and ran over to it. I unlocked it and read the message.


-Can you meet me at Sally's?




-I really need to see you.


-Okay. I'm leaving now, meet me in 10.


-Okay. Thanks Melanie.



"Uhm, Wes I'll be back. I'm about to go pick up some stuff from Sally's." I told him throwing on my shoes and grabbing the keys.

"Alright. Bring me back a sandwich." he shot back as he stared down at his phone. I ran down the steps and walked out the front door to the car before speeding off.


"Uh, hey Melanie.


"So, your really going to give me the cold shoulder?"

"I'm not giving you the cold shoulder."

"Really? Because the tone in your voice and how you reply with short sentences is telling me otherwise."

"Why, did you need to see me?"

"So we can talk."

"Okay. "

He sighed, "Well, I guess I should start now huh?" he asked tapping his hands on the top of the table we were seated at outside.

"Melanie, are you sure you want to be with Wesley?" he asked and my mouth shot open a little. Is he serious?

Mirrors - Wes Stromberg Story [HTB Sequel]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ