Mirrors - Chapter 25: Why'd You Do It Zach?

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Melanie's POV

I was sitting in the hospital room they moved me to an hour ago with MJ next to me. Wes went to change and everyone else went home. I had my phone and was scrolling through my Instagram and seen that Breezy and them put up pictures of the baby and I was going through the comments. They were all sweet and everyone congratulated us.

"MJ, your already famous." I whispered to him and he made a little noise. I laughed and finished going through my phone before I heard a light tap at my door.

"Come in!" I called out and the door crept open. It was Zach.

"Can I come in?" he asked

"If you couldn't I wouldn't have told you to come in." I replied sarcastically

"Still sarcastic as ever." he laughed and walked over as he slid a chair next to my bed and where MJ was. He stood and looked down at MJ then up at me. "So this is your son? He must look like his dad because he's too cute to look like you." he laughed and I just stared at him.

"Your still aware that I hate you right?" I asked with a straight face but he knew I was joking.

"Yea and I love you too." he smirked.

"So, what have you been up to? You still dating whats her face?" I asked

"Who? Brianna? No, we broke up the summer before we became seniors. She was fucking around with Josh behind my back."


"Yep, that Josh. I told both of them to fuck off and I haven't talked to them since."

"Damn Zach I'm sorry."

"No, you told me something was off about her but you know I don't listen."

"Your right but still. Karmas a bitch and she'll get what she deserves sooner or later." I told him and he nodded

"So what have you been up to?" he asked

"Oh nothing. Just going to school, working the normal."

"That's good. Where do you go to school?"


"Are you serious! The college that you talked about 24/7? That's cool."

"Yea, I almost had a heart attack when I got accepted."

Zach and I talked for about another hour before the room door opened and Wesley walked through. We were just talking about going out to dinner to catch up.

"Hey babe." he said coming over to kiss me. "Who's this?"

"Hey Wes. This is my friend Zach, Zach this is my fiancé Wesley." I said looking between them as they shook hands.

"What's up man. Any friend of Mels is a friend of mine." Wesley greeted and Zach smiled and nodded. "What are you y'all up to?" Wes asked

"Oh nothing. Zach was going to take me out to dinner tomorrow as a congratulations on me getting engaged." I told him and he looked at me then nodded.

"That's cool. You get out the hospital tomorrow anyway and I was going to take MJ to see my mom so you can relax." he spoke.

"Well, it's legit Zach... we're going to dinner. Just text me tomorrow." I told him as he hugged me before he walked out leaving Wes and I in the silent room.

"Why are you staring at me like that Wesley?"


"Your lying."

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