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3 Years later.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear MJ happy birthday to you!" we all sung as MJ held onto Wesley's leg burying his head in it. This kid had some nerve to act shy.

"Make a wish buddy." Wes told MJ who let go of him and blew out his four candles. Everyone clapped and he took one of the cupcakes and smashed it into my face and everyone laughed "MJ we were supposed to do that to you." We said laughing

"Ooops. Sorry mommy." he apologized with a joker grin on his face before he took his index finger and ran it across my face and licking it.

"You are terrible." I muttered tickling him. "Go away. Go play, or see where uncle Keaton or Drew is." I hit his butt as he ran off towards Keaton.

"You know where he gets that from right?" Wes asked helping me wipe my face

"You." I shot back jokingly

"You're right. You look kind of hot with icing all over your face." I rolled my eyes at his comment and finished cleaning myself off. Everyone was making their way back outside and I watched as everyone socialized. Keaton and Kaci had their son and named him Jason. He was the cutest thing with his hazel eyes. He stumbled after Isaac, who was now chasing MJ.

Everyone was doing so well these past few years. The boys are taking a little break from music, even though they've been secretly making tracks for their album. They thought Kaci, Iman and I didn't know but we did and the songs are really good so far. Iman is finishing up school to become a nurse, Kaci was becoming a model, and I worked with Rita Ora every other month. Kaylannie and I were also coming out with a line of clothes for Forever21 and American Apparel.

"Yo Mello!" Drew screamed and I turned around drying off my face.

"What's up Drew?" I asked

"Nothing. I got bored. Iman told me to come in here and tell you that she'll be back, she had a call from the hospital." he mentioned grabbing a handful of cookies off the island counter. "Your kid, Brookes kid, and Kaci's kid are a serious combo when they're together." we both laughed walking out the back door.

"Hmm, they remind me of you three." I smirked bumping his shoulder lightly

"Nah, I think they might be worse." he joked and I stood with my eyes wide before we started laughing

The kids were having a ball and we were all talking about what's been going on whenever we haven't been together. Another hour passed and everyone started leaving. I handed out goodie bags while Wes started cleaning up the backyard. It took all of us about thirty minutes to get everything in the kitchen back to normal.

"You guys ready to go?" Iman asked. She had gotten back just as everyone was leaving.

"Yep." Kaci answered. We got in our separate cars and drove down the street into the inviting California air.

"Where are we going mom?" MJ asked

"Just ride baby. We'll be there soon." I reassured him and his sat there staring at me. That blank expression smacked on his face, the same expression Wesley did when he zoned out.

We finally ended up at the park. "The park! The Park!" MJ screamed trying to unbuckle himself and Wesley laughed.

"I'll get him Mel, go ahead." he said and I walked over to Iman and Drew's' car.

Once all the kids were out they went to go play on the swing set and whatnot while all of us sat near the little pond. I looked over everyone that was surrounding me. Kaci, Iman, Kaylannie, Drew, Keaton, and Wesley. We've been through a lot, and I'm pretty sure none of us were leaving the group anytime soon.

"I miss this. It's been awhile since we've just been able to chill, and let the kids run around." Keaton finally said after a long moment of silence.

"I know. It's been a hassle, dealing with a kid, work, and all of that." Wesley added

"Yea, it sucks." Drew said

"And speaking of kids." Iman chimed in and we all looked at her. She looked nervous, and anxious. I knew that look from anywhere.

"What about them?" Kaylannie asked

Iman sat her hand on Drew's and he peered at her with a confused expression on his face. "I'm pregnant." she beamed and we all sat there. "Is that a bad thing?" she cried

"No! Congrats Iman, I'm so happy for you." Kaci said throwing her arms around Iman. We all congratulated her and Drew just sat there.

"Bro. You're going to have a baby. Aren't you going to say something?" Wesley asked

"Yea, you can't just sit there." Keaton added

Drew finally spoke, happiness and shock plastered on his face. "We're having a baby? Us? You and I? We're having a baby. That's fucking amazing." he shouted picking her up in his arms and we all laughed and the kids were looking at him like he was some crazed person

"Yes! We are going to have a baby Drew."

"When did you find out?" he asked her placing her back on the ground and she giggled

"Today. That's why I had to go to the hospital. I wanted it to be a surprise." she spoke happily

"I can't believe this. Wes, I'm going to have a baby." Drew exclaimed

"I know. I'm happy for you man. I'm happy for the both of you. You two watch MJ and Jason, and do amazing with them. You'll be perfect parents." Wesley cooed

"Thanks you guys." Iman said sweetly sitting back down next to a now hyper then five minutes ago Drew.

These are the times I lived for.


"Night baby." I whispered to MJ who was already half sleep. I changed his clothes and put him right into bed.

"Night mom." he slurred before drifting off to sleep. I walked into Wesley and I's room and stripped exchanging my jeans and tank top for a mid thigh sleep shirt. I got in bed next to Wes who was laying down on his phone - as usual. U snatched it out his hands and sat it on the nightstand

"Hey! Why'd you do that?" he laughed

"Because we're about to go to bed silly." I joked

He cuddled closer to me and buried his nose in the top of my head. I blew on his chest and I felt it vibrating from him laughing. "I love you Mel."

"I love you too Stromberg." I replied and he moved his head so I could look up. He leaned down a little and kissed me. I smiled at the fact that I still got tingles when we kissed.

"I'm happy for Iman and Drew." he said as he pulled his face from mine

"I am too. Iman wants a baby so bad and she's finally going to have one."

"Why don't we have another one?"

"You really want another baby Wesley?" I asked surprised

"Yea. MJ wasn't that bad." he snickered

"You're right but-"

"But nothing. Let's have another baby." I smiled and he pulled me closer. "We can even start right now if you want to. I promise we won't be loud." he smirked before kissing me again.


Hey! I wanted to do an Epilogue and BOOM! here it is. It's kind of suckish because I didn't know how to write it without making it seem so long. I'll probably even wind up writing another one and deleting this one. Anywho ... I was thinking that once you've read this, if you have any questions about the story from the beginning to end, this epilogue and what happens afterward you can ask me and I'll answer? Well, that's pretty much it. I love you guys.


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