Chapter 24: He's Finally Here.

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Wes POV.

It's been 2 weeks since I've proposed to Melanie. 2 weeks since we've officially been engaged. 2 whole weeks that felt like years. I was on my way home from the beach with the guys when Melanie called me.




"Oh nothing. I think I'm going into labor."


"NO, i'm just playing to test you. YES I'M SERIOUS. WHERE ARE YOU SHOULD I CALL 911? I HAVE MY EMERGENCY BAG." she loudly said

"No, I just turned on to our street I'm coming right now. Are you able to come outside?" I asked her thinking it would be easier if she was already outside so I could just put her in the car and leave.

"Yea, yea. I can do that. I'll go outside right now. Just hu-" she trailed off before the phone clicked. I pressed my foot against the pettle like my life depended on it. I got to the house and seen Melanie hunched over on the front lawn. I hopped out the car with Drew and Keaton following me.

"Mel, I'm here. I'm here. What's wrong?" I panicked.

"I-ahhhhhh FUCK!" she said with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Contractions? On a scale of one to ten, how bad are they?" I asked her and she gripped my shirt pulling my face towards her.

"Wesley Trent Stromberg, my stomach is killing me. I don't give a shit about how bad it is, just know that if I don't get to the hospital now, I'm going to explode." she sneered and I just nodded.

"Bro, pick Melanie up and put her in the car. Keaton, grab the bag and get in the car. NOW!" Drew yelled and we all followed his directions. I picked Melanie up and placed her in the backseat and shutting the door behind us as she held my hand.

"I'm sorry." Melanie repeated.

"Why? Don't be sorry." I whispered as her fingernails dug into my arm. Keaton quickly got in while Drew took my place in the drivers seat and sped off.

"Hang on Mel. We'll be there in a minute."


"1, 2, 3 ... PUSH! PUSH!" The doctor yelled at Mel as she screamed. Everything was going too fast and I didn't know what to think. We were just laying down in bed all fine and now we were in the hospital room waiting for our baby to be born.

"Wesley! Get your kid out of me NOW!" Melanie screamed.

"I can't Mel. Just push. Breathe. Push. Breathe." I instructed and surprisingly she listened.

"I see the head." The doctor told us. Melanie pushed two more times and then we heard it. The sound of our baby boy crying.

Melanies POV

I pushed two more times then I heard it. The sound of my baby crying. It actually made me want to cry. I took deep breaths as the nurses cleaned the baby off before wrapping him in a blanket.

Mr and Mrs. Stromberg would you like to see your new baby boy?" she asked

"Yes." Wes said before I could even get a word out.

"He's a cutie if I may say so myself." she giggled handing Wesley the baby. He took him in his arms and a huge smile swept across Wes' face.

"Hey little man. I'm glad your finally here. I've been waiting to see you since I found out your mommy was having you." he spoke in a slight whisper. He was holding the baby's hand before RJ grabbed Wesleys finger. "You want to hold him babe?" he asked and I gave him a look and he handed the baby to me.

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