Chapter 5: Sweet Gestures

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Me and the guys were on the way home and I was tired and just wanted to lay down and chill with Mel. 

"Bro!" Drew said

"What?" I asked

"Your phones vibrating." he responded. I pulled out my phone and it was a text from Melanie

Mel: Hey babe. When will you be home?" 

Me: I should be home in like 15 minutes. It's just going to be us though because Keats is taking Kaci out and Drew and Kaylannie are going somewhere.

Mel: I know. I'll see you when you get here(;

By that wink and the fact she knew no one was going to be home I knew what was about to go down. I smirked to myself before sliding my phone back into my jacket. 

"Can you not?" Keaton said from the backseat as he bit into his candy bar.

"Can I not what?" i questioned

"Do that smile. We all know what that smile means and it's creepy." he said laughing.

"Dude? If you can tell what a smile means then why am I smiling?" 

"Because your about to get laid. For the SECOND night in a row." Drew screamed and I felt myself get red.

"Shut the hell up Drew." I joked

"See. That's exactly it, and the fact your turning red helps my case." Keaton said as we pulled up to our apartment. 

"Get out of my car with your hormonal ass and tell Kaci and Kaylannie that were here." Drew told me and I nodded getting out the car. I walked into the house and yelled to the girls.

"Kay! Kaci! Drew and Keat are outside waiting for y'all!" I screamed and they both appeared at the top of the steps.

"Okay. We're coming. We're coming." Kaci said as her and Kay walked down the steps and began heading towards the door.

"Oh, and dont leave a trail of clothes around this time." Kaci joked nudging my shoulder and winking as her and Kaylannie laughed and walked out the door. 

"Mel! Melanie?" I shouted and skipped every other step until I got upstairs then started walking towards my bedroom door. It was closed and from the other side I could here music playing. 'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran to be exact. I touched the doorknob and turned it slowly as I opened the door. The room was dimmed and there were candles everywhere. I walked in closing the door behind me and looked around to no site of Mel. I looked over to the bed and seen a note so I walked over and picked it up so I can read it. 

Well I'm glad your slow ass is finally here. Get undressed and go get in the tub. -xoxoxo Mel

I smiled and did what the note said but I put a towel around my waist and walked into the bathroom. It was the same scene as the room and the tub was filled to the top and when I felt the water it was steaming hot. Just how I like it. I stood there before I felt a pair of hands gripping my towel and ripping it off of me. I laughed and turned around to see Mel standing there in red boy shorts and one of my black t-shirts. 

"I said strip. Which meant NO towel." she said looking at me smirking. 

"Sorry. Are you not getting in the tub?" I asked 

"Oh no. I already took a shower. Now get it and relax." she said and I did what I was told. This girl literally had me whipped and I wasnt afraid to admit it. I slipped into the tub and it felt so good especially after a long day of surfing, hiking and just walking around. All my muscles were slowly untangling when Mel came up behind me and started messaging my shoulders. 

"Your the best. Did you know that?" I asked her 

"Eh, so I've heard." she said kissing my neck. "So how was your day?"

"It was actually pretty chill. We finally got to have some us time without having to cut it short and go to the studio to record or edit tracks." I told her. 

"Well I'm glad you guys had the chance to chill. Y'all deserve it since you've been working so hard." she told me and I could tell she meant it. 

"So, this whole thing right now is perfect. Why? Is there something wrong? Are you pregnant?" I asked bluntly and she stopped and started laughing. 

"No! No offense but kids arent on my list right now. Maybe later but not right now, and why does me doing all this mean it's something bad going on?" she questioned and I turned to her as she came to meet my face.

"I dont know. This just seems too perfect." I said.

"Well, your too perfect and there's nothing wrong with you. Plus I love you and I owe you this." she stated before kissing me then pulling back "We'll play hide and seek to turn this around. All I want is the taste that your lips allow."

"You and quoting song lyrics." I said kissing her and she smiled against my lips.

"It seems like something they do in movies. It's cliche but it's cute and you cant tell me that that line didn't fit into that moment we just had perfectly." 

"Hmm, your right. Your so whack though." I said laughing and kissing her. 

Once I got out the shower we went in the room. I put on some boxers while Mel went downstairs. She came back up with two Sprites, a bag and some M&M's. She handed me the bag and sat the rest of the stuff in between us on the bed. 

"What's this?" I asked taking the bag. 

"Open it." she demanded. I opened the bag and inside was this dope strapback with like diferent colored palm trees on it, and a black t-shirt with a pocket on it that matched. Then she got me some cologne too & I looked up at her. 

"You like it? If you dont I'll take it all back." she asked nervously.

"No Mel. I like all of it. It's dope." I told her as i pulled her close to me and kissed her cheek.

For the rest of the night Mel and I just talked. We talked about both of our upcoming things for work. We talked about our families and everything in between. It was cool and these were the many reasons I loved Melanie. Her and I just connected. 

"I love you Melanie." I told her as she drifted off to sleep on my chest. 

"I know." she mumbled as she smiled then fell asleep.


Hiya There! Well, you like this chapter? Yes? No? Tell me. Tell me. I normally have a lot to write but I'm so braindead right now (dont judge me). Well Uhm, COMMENT. VOTE. LEAVE FEEDBACK. ALLL OF THAT. I LOVE YOU GUYS AND THANKS FOR READING.

Sorry if there's any extra errors! 

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