Chapter 19: Italy/What's Wrong?

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Melanie's POV

"Hello?" I asked winded as I grabbed the groceries out of the trunk of my car.

"Darling, how are you?' Cristal asked from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, Cristal! Hi, I'm fine how are you?" I questioned as I made my way up to Wes and Keaton's apartment to take the groceries inside.

"I'm fine now that I'm talking to you. I have BIG NEWS FOR YOU." she practically sang.

"Oh, I like the sound of it. Tell me! Tell Me!" I squealed.

"Okay, so I know when we had our meeting I said you'd be flying out to Italy in a few months but Jack insisted on you coming to Italy in two days since he'll be away for awhile. You'll fly there and come back next Monday." she finished

"Oh my god. Are you serious? I don't have a plane ticket-"

"We have you covered. I'll send Chris over to give you your ticket. Even though you don't need it, good luck in Italy Melanie. I believe in you." Cristal swiftly stated before hanging up. I sat the phone on the table and just sat there in amusement. I'm going to Italy in two days. I have to pack. I have to tell Wesley. Wesley! I ran back out to my car, hopped in and sped to the studio where him Keaton, Drew, Kaci, and Iman were. I pulled up within minutes and quickly got out the car and jogged toward the studio. They all looked at me, all out of breath.

"Babe, are you okay?" Wes ran over to me.

"I-I'm fine. Hold up, let me catch my breath. Whew, I shouldn't have eaten those chocolate chip pancakes and that chocolate latte from Starbucks" I said exasperatedly and everyone chuckled. "Okay, I'm good now. Guess what?!" I beamed

"What?" Wes asked as he sat down in the rolling chair he was originally in when I got here.

"I'M GOING TO ITALY IN TWO DAYS!" I shouted jumping up and down.

"What? How?" Keaton asked smiling.

"Cristal called me and this guy Jack from Alexander McQueen wants to meet with me as soon as possible since he'll be away for awhile! This is freaking amazing guys! I've waited for this forever!" I jumped excitedly.

"Oh my god! I'm so proud for you." Kaci smiled coming over to hug me, followed by Keaton, Drew, Iman then Wesley. He pulled me into the biggest hug ever and whispered in my ear.

"I'm so proud of you babe. I knew you were going to make it. Let's go out tomorrow night so you can have time to get packed tonight."

"Okay. "

*Next Night*

I was doing my hair in the bathroom mirror and listening to the music on my phone. Wesley and I were going out since I was leaving for Italy tomorrow morning. I had on a dress with a white top, and the bottom was an olive color. Pink sandals, and my hair was straight but I had on a headband that was white with pink white, and green on it. I did a smokey eye then sprayed a little body mist on before walking out the bathroom to see Wesley hunched over tying his shoes. He had on light jeans, an olive colored tank top, with olive colored vans. He didn't have a snapback on which surprise me but I liked it because it was easier for me to run my hands through his hair without me taking the hat off.

"Hmm, someone was creeping me while I was picking out my clothes." I joked going to stand right in front of him just as he finished and looked up at me.

"Nah, I think you were creeping on me." he smiled before pulling me in between his legs. He gripped my face lightly pulling my face to meet his and kissing me. "So where do you want to go?"

Mirrors - Wes Stromberg Story [HTB Sequel]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu