Chapter 16: RoadTrip/Vegas Nights

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. I stretched and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I turned to see Melanie still peacefully sleeping. All of us came back to her apartment to help her and Kaci bring all their presents and we wound up crashing here. I walked out the room making sure not to wake Melanie up and went to the bathroom then downstairs. I was greeted by Keat and Drew in the kitchen.

"Morning guys." I said my throat raspy.

"Wassup dude? How'd you sleep?" Drew asked looking over his shoulder.

"Pretty good. You guys?" I questioned.

"Great!" Keaton said more excited then normal.

"Sweet." Drew responded as we looked at Keaton and he looked at us.

"What?" Keat asked.

"You got laiddddddddd!" I said rubbing his head and he brushed my hand away and started turning red.

"Yep. He did" Drew laughed.

"Shut up. So are we still heading out?" Keaton asked fixing his hair

"Oh yea. What time do you think we should leave?" I asked.

"Uh, at like 4. We'll get there by like 7 so we can check into our rooms then go out and have fun." Drew said putting all the food on the table.

"Last time we had a dope ass time." Keaton said smiling

"I know man. I'm sorry dude but when the valet dude hit you in the nose I was done." I laughed and they both joined in.

"Well he was an ass." Drew said through his laughter.

"Okay. Well it's 1 now and the girls will probably be up soon. We should go and get our clothes then come back." Keaton suggested.

"That sounds good. I'm going to eat first then go get Iman so she can pack her own stuff."

"Alright man. Let's eat then get this shit ready." I replied then we all started stuffing our faces.

Mels POV

*Buzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzz*

I got up to find the buzzing that was interrupting my sleep. I turned and seen my phone on the night stand moving around as it went off. I grabbed it and Wesleys face flashed across it.

"Mhmm, hello?"

"You even sound sexy when you wake up."

"What do you want Stromberg?"

"Get up, get dressed, eat and pack. Me the guys and Iman are on our way back now."

"Wha- when did you leave?"

"Don't worry about it Mel. Just do what I said okay? We're leaving around 4."

"Where are- oh never mind. Okay." I told him as I laid back down

"Dont you lay back down Melanie."

"Okay. Okay. I'm getting up." I said before hanging up the phone and going into the bathroom. I showered quickly threw some yoga pants, Adida slides, a crewneck and beanie on then started packing. I went over to the drawer and grabbed underclothes, 4 pairs of shorts and shirts, 2 bathing suits, shoes to match my outfit and my make up. I threw it all in my big duffle bag and sat it on the bed then walked across the hall to Kaci's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." she said from the opposite side of the door.

"Where the hell are we going?"

"Beats me Keaton won't tell me."

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