Chapter 39 - Thank you so much. I owe you

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Mels POV

"So he wouldn't tell you who Rita was?" Kaylannie asked as she sat next to me on the couch with a small bowl filled of ice cream.

"Nope. I didn't want to seem over dramatic but he wouldn't tell me at all so I had to leave. I never was really into Wes' business when he was on his phone because I trust him, but this time is beyond different."

"Well, maybe Rita is someone on his label. Like, an assistant or something?"

"No Kaylannie. If it was an assistant he wouldn't have acted like that." I told her through the ice cream that was stuffed in my mouth. My phone rung and it was Wesley.


"Mel, can you come home?"


"So we can talk."

"I'd rather not."

"Fine." he started, "Meet me at our usual spot tomorrow at 7:30. I want you to meet someone."


"Rita." he said, and I didn't reply I just hung up

"What did he want?"

"He wants me to meet Rita." I replied in pure disbelief.

She chuckled, "Are you serious? Maybe it is just an assistant. Wes has had his blonde moments but I doubt he'd let you meet his 'Mistress'"

I nodded and got up. "You're right. I'm going to bed because, tomorrow is going to be interesting."


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I rolled over and shut the alarm off. I got up, and ran my hand through my hair remembering that I wasn't home, and the fact that I slept all day since it was 6 pm. I was going to meet up with Wesley, and this Rita girl. I was actually pretty nervous, and I didn't know why. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about who Rita could be, and the fact that Wes wouldn't cheat but him not telling me who this girl was, was really eating away at me.

I went and took a guick shower, and washing my hair while I was in there. I through on skinny jeans, jordans, and a plain gray t-shirt before heading out the door. I got to the cafe at 7:30, and seen Wes sitting there alone. I parked, then made my way over to where he was sitting and I sat down next to him.

"Hey." I whispered, feeling uneasy.

"You really came?" he asked

"Yea. I wanted to know who the infamous Rita was." I shrugged

"Well hold up one minute." he said and pulled out his phone typing then sitting it on his right leg. Two minutes passed, and he got a text back. "She's coming out right now."

I sat there with my foot tapping against the floor looking around anxiously because I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know if I was going to pounce this Rita chic in her face, or be polite. I felt Wesley, stand next to me before introducing me to Rita. I looked up, and my mouth dropped.

"Melanie, you know Rita Ora?"

"Rita, this is Melanie." he finished and I felt like a complete asshole.

"He- hi. Uh, nice to meet you." I said rather fast, and she giggled a little.

"Nice to meet you too. You're much more beautiful then Wesley said you were. I've been waiting to meet you for the longest." she said smiling as we all sat down.

I dropped my head into my hand that was being held up by my leg. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." Wes said nudging me. "If I were married to me, I'd get jealous, and angry too."

I don't know how he was so forgiving after I acted like a little twat towards him last night.

"Rita, wanted to talk to you about something." Wes input knocking me out my thoughts.

"Oh? What is it?" I asked

"Well, I met Wesley awhile ago and he told me how you were into fashion. I'm actually going on a little tour, and wanted to know if you wanted to be my stylist?" she questioned and taking a sip of her drink.

I sat there baffled. I'd admired Rita Ora so much, and she was only like 3 years older then me. I sat there blankly before letting the words slip out my mouth. "Of course! I'd love to, that'd be amazing. Oh, wait. I have a son, and I don't know who would keep him so I'd have to find someone." I told her.

"Babe, me and the guys are off for awhile. I'll keep MJ. I am his dad, go ahead." he insited and I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Are you sure? What if -"

"Nothings going to happen. We'll be fine. I promise." he cried kissing my cheek.

"Well, looks like I'm in!" I chirped happily and so did Rita.

"Yay! We leave on Thursday, so it looks like you have a lot of packing to do. I'll call you later on, and give you more details. Welcome aboard Melanie!" she jumped up and came to hug me before leaving me standing there in shock next to a smirking Wesley.

"Why didn't you just tell me you were talking to my idol?!" I squealed

He put his hands in his front pocket, and shrugged. "Because it would have ruined the surprise. You're welcome by the way."

I threw my hands around him making us both stumble a bit before laughing out loud. "Thank you! I freaking love you! Thank you so much. I owe you"

"Well, in that case. Let's head home." he said with wink and I gripped his arm leading to my car.

"Why wait until we get to the house?" I bit my lip

"Mel, they're peo-" I cut him off smashing my lips to his.

"I don't care." I finished pulling both of us into the back seat of my car.


HAHAHAHA! Did you guys think Wes was really cheating? I think this chapter was kind of sucky but I didn't want any of you turning on Wesley. How'd you like it? Yay? Nay? I think I'm going to end the story once Melanie goes on tour with Rita - but who knowsssss? Tell me what ya' think. COMMENT. VOTE. SHARE. LEAVE FEED BACK AND ALLLLLLLL OF THAT (: LOVE YOU GUYS!



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