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"When I have a camera in my hand, I know no fear." -A.E

"Please quickly, take your seats, we have much to go through today." Mrs.Lightwell, A.K.A Professor Lightwell said, beaming on her stool. One thing I loved about this college, the professors were always so into their teaching. Even if they were a real stickler, they loved their field of teaching.

"Okay, so today I have a nice little project to assign you guys. This project could last 3 weeks to the end of your year here...depends how you do handle it." I opened my notebook and before I could grab a pen,

"Ms.Carter, you won't be needing that at this moment." Uh oh. I quickly put my notebook back into my bag and put all my attention towards the professor.

"Alright. This is a very intriguing project I came across this past summer. First, I will have each of you come up to the front and choose a slip of paper from the hat. If I even see you open that paper for a split moment, there will be large consequences, considering this project is a very big part of your grades."

Oh woah, it's that serious? Must be something really big if we can't peek at a slip of paper.

She started calling off names and when I got mine and sat down, I had to sit on my hands to prevent myself from looking at it.

"Okay. Now on these slips of papers hold your partner's name. Your unknown partner. Now let me explain," Good thing she' s gonna explain because I'm 500 percent lost.

"This is called 'The Secret Project'. Where students are given a person, they must take secret photographs of. Yes, many of you would call this "stalkerish", but it's not legally stalking. You will be given a brand new portfolio for this project, all purchased by myself, so I would prefer if you don't wreck them. Nobody may tell anybody who their "muse" is, nor who the muses photographer is."

"If so, the one who decided to tell will deal will with big consequences as well as having the photographer and their muses' position disqualified. So if I told Mr.Pattson's muse he was the secret photographer, Mr.Pattson would not be able to photograph his muse, but he himself could still be a muse, and the muse could still be a photographer. You all with me?" Yes' chorused throughout the room and Professor Lightwell nodded.

"If you are caught by your muse, you immediately lose and must turn in your portfolio pictures of your muse. This also counts for disqualification, so I can get a grade on you all. You're allowed to use filters, if you'd like. You also have the opportunity to guess your secret photographer, once. If it is incorrect, you lose your photography position, and stay a muse to your secret photographer." Professor Lightwell smirked suddenly.

"And as for the prizes for the photographers and muses...well...that's a secret too." Multiple groans were heard from around the room. I raised my hand and Lightwell nodded towards me.

"What happens if you guess your photographer correctly?" I quickly put my hand back under my bum after she nodded to me.

"You and your photographer can have little photo sessions to bump up both of your grades or just for fun." I nodded and glanced down at the slip of paper on my lap.

"At this time, if you'd like to open your paper to see your unknown partner's identity, then do so without showing anyone." I was itching to open it, but out in the open like this was too risky. I'd have to wait until I got to my dorm to look, so I slipped the paper under my camera in my camera bag.

"Moving on to the next subject in Professor Lightwell's course of Subject Photography." She said, clasping her hands together.

If you are confused on the rules to 'The Secret Project', tell me, and I will list the rules on another story just for the rules.

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