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"A camera is a save button for the minds eye." -R.K

I climbed up the tree and sat on the tree branch. Yes, I do take risks just for a simple picture.

"Hey there little butterfly. Can I get just a little snap of you?" I lowered my torso and held the camera at the level of the butterfly.

"Boo!" I jumped a little too much, making me fall to the right, my legs clinging to the tree, my camera secure in my hands. I watched helplessly as the butterfly flew off.

"River!?" I looked at his upside down face.

"Sorry?" He smiled knowing that I was upset.

"Sorry my behind," I looked up at my legs. "How the heck am I supposed to get down?" I muttered.

"I can help." River said stepping in front of my face, so we were eye to eye.

"I think you've helped just enough." Then the same butterfly landed on his shoulder and my eyes widened. "Actually, slowly put your hands on your cheeks, making your pinkies meet at the top of your nose please and look at the butterfly on your shoulder." River gave me a confused look.

"Why?" I smirked.

"Because you owe me a butterfly picture, since you scared it away the first time." He sighed and did as told. I'm so sneaky.

"Thank you." I said after snapped the photo. "Now, get me down?" I asked, pouting like a puppy. River laughed and shook his head as he lifted me up from under my armpits.

"Now drop your legs." I dropped them from their spot wrapped around the tree.

"Thanks." I turned around to face River and smiled.

"No problem. And I needed to ask you something." Me?

"Yeah...uh, what's up?"

"I was wondering maybe, if I could draw you today? Since it's Sunday. That's kinda why I came over, besides to scare the crap out of you." He smirked a little and I crossed my arms.

"Hmm...I'll think about it." His eyes held amusement in them at my words.

"Oh really?"


"Really really?"

"Fine." I laughed softly.

"Great! I thought you'd say no, so I will go get my stuff and meet you back right here?" Boy, you and I both know you'd bug me until I agreed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go put away my camera." And maybe edit a little on the picture.

"See you in a bit."

"Hey." I smiled shyly at River as I approached the tree.

"Hey." We stared at each other for a few moments and I couldn't help but look at his hair. It wouldn't be too creepy to touch it, right? Yeah...maybe a little.

"So um...tell me what to do, my personal artist." Okay, that sounded stupid.

"I was thinking we could go to the boardwalk? I'll drive?" He held up his car keys nervously.

"There's a boardwalk around here." He chuckled and shrugged.

"Like 45 minutes from here." I bit my lip. And he obviously noticed, and held my hand. "Taking one day off of studying can't hurt too badly."

"I guess I do deserve a bit of a break. Right?"

"Right. And besides, we can talk about studying on the way there if you'd like." I nodded and we walked to the campus parking lot, me being the only one who noticed he was still holding my hand.

"That's my car." He pointed to a black 1970 Chevrolet El Camino. Can't a girl know her cars?

"This is pretty cool. When'd you get it?" He smiled and patted the roof, making him let go of my hand. Damn.

"When I turned 18 I decided to move on from my old Jeep and gave that to my sister, Rain. And I got this. You ready?" I smiled and nodded. We got into the car and pulled out of the parking lot once River got it started. We were about 10 minutes into the silent drive when River spoke up.

"Do you mind if I roll down the windows and turn on some music?" I nodded.

"That's fine." He rolled down the windows and started flicking through the stations.

"Prefer anything?" I shrugged.

"I like relaxing music." River ran his tongue over his bottom lip and picked a station.

"You're the shining distraction that makes me fly..."

"Did um...Joaquin say anything to you? Like...offensive, or about me?" I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

"He was very polite, and seemed like he really needed to see you. He almost got eaten alive by the girls though." River didn't seem assured though.

"Are you sure? If he said anything that made you uncomfortable, please tell me." I put a hand on Rivers shoulder and surprisingly, he didn't flinch but relaxed under my touch.

"He was nothing but sweet, like you." I always have to add on unnecessary information that makes me look stupid don't I?

"Thanks, Sevine." I slowly removed my hand from his shoulder and nodded.

"Just truth." He raised an eyebrow and glanced at me.

"What else do you think about me?" My eyes widened and I shook my head.

"You seem like a nice person whom I go to school with. N-nothing big." And I stuttered.

"Hmm...okay. So you've never been to the boardwalk?" I shook my head and fiddled with the pearl bracelet on my wrist.

"Never to one in my life, actually. Only seen pictures." River grinned.

"So, I'm like your guide, slash personal artist, slash classmate, slash dance partner?" I burst out into laughter, River smiling to himself as he watched the road.

"Yeah...something of the sort. Sorry about basically falling on top of you too." I recalled when Hattie pushed me into his arms.

"Lots of girls trip just staring at me, but none throw themselves at me quite like you." I smacked him upside the head, making him laugh.

"You're a real catch, River." He smiled at me.

"I'll catch you anytime, Curious Bunny." Oh, this boy.

I'll update again fairly soon! And I'll probably make a different cover than the one I currently have. New photo in the portfolio.

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