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"I'll take you as you are." - A.T/T.W

"Sevine, you alive?" I blinked a few times and looked up at Christopher and sighed.

"I was up late last night, tossing and turning." Let's just say I'm a pro liar.

"Was it the hot and cold thing? Or did you watch a horror movie?" I took a sip out of my water bottle and examined my bandaged hand.

"Hot and cold."

"I hate that. So did Hattie or Evee go with you for your tattoo?" I shook my head. Actually River did.

"No one did. I decided I could just do it alone." Christopher raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Sevine, I don't see you going to a tattoo shop by yourself." I fiddled with my braid as I took a moment to come up with a good lie.

"My Mom told me I needed to toughen up, and I am only young once. Chill, Chris." He nodded and gave me a fist bump.

"Alright. But I'm only lookin' out for ya, you're quite small if you hadn't noticed." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Ya wanna look up for me too?" I glanced at my watch and saw it was time for my next course.

"I'm gonna head off now, Christopher. Have a good time with your improv." He smiled and waved.

"See ya, Sevine." I stood from the small outside table and started walking along the path I take to Photoshop class.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to see a fairly small red haired girl. I'd never seen her before, but then again, I don't necessarily know everyone here.


"I'm new, I kinda had to transfer, so do you know where," She pulled out a sheet of paper from her bag and readjusted her glasses to read it. "Photoshop may be?" I smiled and nodded.

"I'm heading there actually...come on."

"Thanks a bunch. I'm Lissa, it's short for Melissa though." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"I'm Sevine. I hope you like it here, and can manuever around easily." Lissa was probably the cutest thing ever. Her really curly red hair was put up in a high bun, leaving her freckles and brown eyes out in the open. Her glasses were thickly framed, and looked good on her.

"Me too. I'm not a big fan of bothering people."

"We just have to go into the smallest building, make a right, and it'll be the second door on the left. Not too hard. And it's no bother, you seem quite nice." She smiled and shrugged.

"People don't really hang around me. And these big ol glasses don't make me a nerd, in fact I was very close to failing Math in junior year, so it's not because I'm nerdy."

"You seem shy." She blushed and scratched the back of her neck.

"Just a lil." I opened the door to the smallest building on the campus and entered, leading Lissa to Photoshop.

"We might have some other classes together too, since I can assume you're into photography?" She nodded as we took a seat.

"Yep. We can look over my schedule after this maybe?" I took a sip of my water and nodded.

"As long as I can get some smoothie in my belly." We both laughed softly.

"Sevine!" I turned around and peaked around the tree I was leaning up against to see River, walking towards me.

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