// s e v e n t e e n //

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"A new day calls for another way to do things." -Me

I wanna say thank you so much for all the support and love you guys have directed towards this book. Thank you so much.

"He thinks we're getting married? I don't even have a ring on my finger!" River gripped the roots of his hair tightly.

"Joaquin hears what he wants and he only sees what he wants. He's use to getting his way as are my parents." I bit my lip thinking of what to do with this. I needed to make him feel better in some way.

"C'mon." I grabbed his hand and stood from the outside table.

"Where are we going?" I shrugged and tugged him along.

"Wherever I like." When we were off of campus grounds I began to stop tugging and walked at a nice easy pace. As cars blew a nice wind our faces I breathe in the aromas of the earth.

"You sure you can't tell me where we're going?" I smiled and winked.

"Somewhere special to me." Mel should surely be at the gallery this late in the day.

"Well how far is it?" I squeezed his hand and my smile widened further.

"Very close. Hold your horses, River." He huffed, removed his hand from mine, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned on me. "You weigh as much as a boulder! Lay off big guy."

He laughed and did as told.

"Please tell me where we're going?" I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Who's the curious one now?" He smiled and I could tell he wanted to hide it.


"Right there." I pointed across the road and bursted into a sprint. I really didn't want to be ran over today. When I opened the door to the gallery River looked around at the walls.

"Holy shit. This place is amazing." I squeezed his hand signaling I wanted his attention. After I few moments he hesitantly tore his eyes away from the small photographs and paintings on the walls.

"These are only the smaller pieces, Riv. The bigger ones are all the way in the back and they just get bigger on the way there." A frown was plastered on his face as he looked ahead.

"But there's a bunch of aisles and I wanna see them all." He said like a little boy who wanted his candy his mother took away. It took all I had not to laugh at him.

"We've got time. Let's look at them all hmm?" I asked. His jaw dropped in surprise.

"Really? There's a lot of pictures and paintings here. I mean the place is huge." He asked, even though in his tone of voice I could tell he really wanted to.

"Yes, it's okay." He leaned down slightly and pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Thank you for getting my mind off of Joaquin, beautiful." He murmured against my head. I smiled up at him and let our lips meet. "Now let's look at these beautiful works of art."

"But I'm right here." I turned to see Mel and waved.

"He didn't mean you, silly. River, this is Mel; she's my boss and basically my second mother. Mel, this is River; my boyfriend and most...spontaneous friend." I said teasingly. River faked a gasp.

"Hey! That's no way to treat your boyfriend." Mel shrugged.

"I mean you two were just sucking each other's faces off. So I think she's treating you pretty well." Me and River laughed at that. I leant my body into his side and smiled at Mel. She gave me a certain look that said 'You love struck bunny you. He's a looker. I'm glad you're happy.'.

I'm glad I'm happy too.

"River...yanno Ken, right?" He nodded and the look on his face told me he knew I knew about the situation.

"We should help him. Please? He deserves a grade for the class...it's not fair to him." He circled his thumb around my shoulder and nodded.

"I'll talk to him about it. Okay?" I nodded and licked my bottom lip.



"How long have you liked me?" His eyes widened.

"How long have you thought I liked you?" He asked nervously.

"Only recently. But looking back I feel like it's been longer. I think you liked me before you paid for my tattoo." He nodded.

"Yeah. When you came up to me to look at my drawings. I thought you were pretty damn adorable." I squeaked and bopped his nose.

"That's sooo cute!" His eyes widened and then he burst into laughter. His face turned red as he let go of me to clutch his stomach. I rolled my eyes when I finally realized that I squeaked. "Shut up and let's get back to the dorms."

In reality I wanted to get back so I could sneak another picture of him before it got too dark. I have to be sneaky with this boy, because he's not stupid that is for sure.

"Okay...wait, hold on don't leave! I can barely feel my stomach and my lungs!" He yelled after me as I began walking again with a smirk on my face.

"Hurry it up then!"

I owe you guys the world! Thank you so much for so many reads I am so so so grateful to you. Give me feedback so I can make the reading more to your liking please. I've figured out what the secret prize is to winning the secret project...the irony wasn't intended at the time.

But just know that the prize will be have a highly...possible disappointing outcome. But that is for me to know and you to find out! Be you! xx

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