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Wednesday rolled around and Ethan acted like we never happened. Like the past month and a half never excited. It was as if we were back to dani, Grayson and Ethan. No more Dani and Ethan.
I guess I couldn't blame him. I was to involved in Grayson and the stupid play that Ethan was 2nd on my mind.

We arrived at the airport with Cameron, gray, Ethan, and I. Ethan stayed somewhat far from me. I just stated next to Grayson. I don't travel much. I've only been on a plane once. and I was fairly little. So I guess you could say this was the first time traveling to visit grandma dolan in a plane.
I clenched my bag as Ethan looked at me. It was as if he was about to comfort me but didn't.
"It'll be fine." Grayson said noticing I was nervous.
"Grayson I... I want to see grandma."
"We are. Right when we land. Mom and dad are at the hospital now." He replied. We talk as if I was seriously related to them.
"Hey Ethan can you get dani's bag?" Grayson asked already carrying his and Cameron's.
"Sure." He said walking towards me and grabbing the bag from me. I just stared at him. We locked eye contact until he quickly brushed it off.
"Okayyy. So our flight boards in an hour and a half. We have time to chill." Cameron said coming back from the information desk. "let's eat." Cam said.
"Yes- I want chick Fil'e." Grayson said.
"Me too." Cam replied.
"I want Pamela." Both me and Grayson said.
"Okay you Guys go ahead. Meet at the gate in an hour." Grayson said taking Cameron.
"Gate?" I asked.
"I will explain." Ethan said laughing.
Laughing... That's a good sign.

We got to Panera and ordered.
"No! I was the one who went to mrs.grahams and sang 'Mary did you know'" I said.
"I could've sworn it was Grayson." Ethan laughed while we were waiting for our order.
"So you want to eat here?" I asked.
"Sure." He said sitting at a booth.
"So what's new?" I asked sipping my drink.
"well, not much. Except worrying about nana."
"Yeah. Me too." I said getting sad.
"I just feel like she's going to be okay."
"Why do you say that? The way Grayson made it seem was not good."
"Well nana is nana. She fights things. After all she is Italian." I laughed.
"I'm really scared Ethan. I can't loose her too."
"What? Too?"
"Well both pairs of my grandparents. Most of my friends... And now you."
"Dani don't do that. You make me look bad." (<----I just realized that looks like a bed. <-----Omg so does that. Mind blown.)
"No I'm just putting out then I really need nana. And I also want to thank you and Grayson for letting me become a part of your lives. I know my life would just suck if I never knew you guys." I smiled looking at him.
"Yeah... You kinda changed our lives too." He smiled back.

We ate and an hour later we went back to the gate.
"Heyy.." Cameron said.
"Hey." I said laughing at a joke Ethan just told me.
"Grayson and I have some great news. They might find a way to save nana. They couldn't talk but that's all they said." Me and Ethan looked at each other and hugged.
"Oh my god that's incredible!" I said letting go of Ethan and hugged Cameron, then Grayson.

We had finally boarded the plane and we've been in the air for about 20 minutes. Ethan and Cameron sat in front of me and Grayson. Grayson passed out in the first 10 minutes and Cameron was almost out when I saw Ethan get up and slipped me a note.

It read:
Meet me in the bathroom in like 2 minutes.

I waited 2 minutes then went to the bathroom as I opened the door Ethan grabbed me and pulled me in. he then began to kiss me.
"Ethan.... I..... Thought..... You....... We're...... Done...... With us" I stated through kisses.
"Nana." Ethan said.
"Um I'd rather not involve her when we're kissing. Your not getting weird imaginations I pray."
"No. Nana always told me that she knew me and you were going to end up together. She said she thought we would be like her and grandad." (Who passed away last year)
"And...?" I asked.
"I- I want to believe it's true. And I can't find out if I ended it like that. I'm- I'm willing to stick with you through whatever we do. I won't give up again." I smiled and began to kiss him.
"Um but I can't really take this bathroom so can we resume this little thing somewhere else?" I laughed. Ethan did too.
Who's relieved that there all good now? Kinda wanted to keep them at a distance but i thought you guys wanted them together. (For now!) ;) ;)

Love of my Life //Ethan Dolan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now