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It's been 4 days, not being able to talk to Ethan, or Grayson. I was in a solitude. Why now, after all the shit that went down these past weeks, why does it have to get worst. I only leave my room to grab a snack or a drink. I don't have to leave my room when I go to the restroom because I have my own. Thank god. I don't have a tv in my room, so I basically just sit, sleep, or read. I take a lot of showers, I try all the shampoos and conditioners I forgot I had. Yep that's my life. It's gotten to the point where there is really no point in t to life. I know Ethan is worried about me. But he knows I'm probably in house jail. Which is true.

I finally came to the conclusion to run away. I have everything mapped out. I saved a ton of money throughout the years, just for things like this, or things I really wanted. And I was setting my trip to New York. I planned to take the train at midnight. And see where it goes from there.
Side note:
I'm not going to be in Danielle's pov when she's gone.
Ethan's pov.
It's been 5 days withought  talking to Danielle. I knew she would of found a way to contact me, so I decided to go check her house while her parents were at work.
I rang the doorbell to hear no movement. 5 minutes of no reply so I went to her bedroom window and climbed the tree up to the window. As I looked inside she wasn't there. I was about to open the window till I heard a car out front. It was dani's mom. Shit. I decided to stay low in the tree. But as I stood still I heard wheeping. The door flung open, and there dani's mom stood in front of me, she couldn't see me out the window but I could see her. She was looking for something and crying. I decided I would knock on the door, even if she hated me. I had to see what's going on.

"Oh my god Ethan, do you know where she is?!" Danielle's mom asked.
"What? Who?" I asked.
"Danielle. I can't find her anywhere. We went to the police in the morning when we found dani not in her room."
"Oh my god no, I haven't but I will find her. Don't you worry." I said. She had pain in her eyes. The way Danielle had when nana passed away. "I'm going to run home, see if she contacted me in any way." I replied running to my car. I was in pure panic.

"GRAYSON!" I yelled.
"WHAT? I'm in the kitchen!" He yelled.
"DUDE DANIELLE'S GONE!" I said running into the kitchen.
"What??" He said.
"She's been gone since last night. We think it's because of everything going on." I said. Grayson looked scared.
"What?" I asked.
"N-nothing." Let's go check her room? Maybe she left a clue." Not bad.
"Her mom gave me her computer so I can find things? Since she's not an expert at technology." I replied.
"Shit that's good!" He said. "We'll open it."
I opened the computer to see nothing. She cleared her history, everything.
"FUCK!" I yelled kicking a chair.
"she will come home dude. I promise." He comforted.
"I know dani, and she won't. Once she's dedicated, well then she's dedicated."
We are screwed. But I will not give up. I need her safe.

Love of my Life //Ethan Dolan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now