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5th avenue. I was standing on 5th avenue just admiring it. In awe of all the busy people, and shoppers.first place we went was tiffanies, I know it was way to much for me, but I still loved jewelry. I saw this beautiful necklace, with a pink silver plated heart and a smaller heart saying Tiffany and co. My mom owns one, that my dad gave her on there 3rd date.
"It's beautiful." I said to Ethan admiring it from the glass.

"Ready?" I asked.
"Sure." He said.
As I began to walk Ethan stopped me.
"Hey! Um I need to use the restroom I will be back!" He said.
"Okay I will be at hollister." I so as smiling and giving him a kiss on the lips. "Love you." I said
"I love you too." He said winking at me.
I arrived at hollister and Ethan was right behind me.
"How was your pee?" I asked.
"Perfect. You should have seen the bathroom!" He said. I laughed.
"I can imagine." I replied.

"So, what's your plan?" I asked.
"Well I want to get outfits at every place we want."
"Ethan I didn't bring that much money." I said in disappointment.
"Don't worry babe. I got it." He said.
"No, I really don't want that." I said looking at him.
"I've been waiting to spoil you my whole life. So please let me." I smiled at him.
"Maybe." I replied. He kissed me.
We picked out outfits at every store we could afford. It was like the movies. Spending a day with someone you love on an epic shopping spree.
As soon as we got done we went to bubba gumps on time square. We were seated right away.
"Haha so." I said laughing.
"Soooo." He said winking.
"God I love you." I said admiring him for putting this day together.
"I love you so much more." I smiled.
"Let's at 2 truths and 1 lie!" I said. "Like the old times. Except withought grayson cheating and saying all truths so no one could guess right." I said laughing.
"Oh gosh I remember that." Ethan said laughing. "Okay 1. I grew up afraid of penguins, 2. I used to like dj from full house, and 3. I hated being alone when I was little."
"Okay so I know 2 is true, because whenever our parents put it on for us you would always pay attention to the show when she was talking. And got mad when she had a boyfriend. And 1. Is true because you never wanted to go by the penguin pen at the zoo. So 3 is a lie." I said.
"Correct!" He said laughing.
"Okay. My turn!" I said. "1. My favorite thing when I was little was to pick on you, 2.when I was in third grade the only thing I would bring to school was my teddy bear Sam in my backpack, and 3. Had a secret crush on Grayson for the longest time."
"Shit I hope 3 is a lie, so I'm going to say three."
"Correct!" I yelled. Grayson reminded me of Ed in Ed edd and eddy." I laughed. And he did too.

"I'm so fulllll." I said leaning back in my chair.
"I second that!" Ethan said.
He sat up and leaned across the table.
"Ready for Broadway?"he asked.
"Yes sir I am." I said getting excited. The sun has already gone down.
Broadway here we come.

Love of my Life //Ethan Dolan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now