13: Family Vacation

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"Mommy can we go surfing?" I look up from preparing lunch to see my six year old daughter, Chloe in a black and pink wet suit.

"Chloe you don't know how to surf, why don't you go ask daddy?" She nodded running to the other side of the bar to Cody, who was on his computer again.

"Daddy can you teach me to surf??"

"Not right now Chloe, Daddy's busy."

"You promised me you'd tech me to surf." Cody let out an irritated sigh and looked down at Chloe.

"I will, just not today." I watched as Chloe's face fell.

"Conner why don't you and Chloe go play upstairs?" They both nodded and Conner took Chloe's hands and I watch them go upstairs.

"Did you really have to do that?" I ask as he ignores me typing away at his computer. I shut his computer and pulled it away from him as I crossed my arms.

"What the hell Y/N! I was working!" He yelled.

"Your on vacation, you've been on this stupid thing from the last two days." I say turning off the stove.

"Someone gotta pay the bills and I don't see you jumping on a record" he spat.

"I haven't worked on music since the twins where born." I fight back.

"Maybe its time you bring in some money don't leave all the pressure on me, you know we have a million something dollar Mansion back in L.A. that we have to pay bills for right?"

"Trust me I haven't forgot"

"Whatever." He says grabbing the computer and the keys from the bar slamming the door behind him.


I put the twins to bed and sat in the living waiting for Cody to come back to the beach house. I decided to just go to bed and forget about him for the night but he had came in just as I closed my eyes. I sat up and watched him take off his hat and jean jacket.

"It midnight, Conner was waiting for you." I heard him sigh and he slipped of his loose t-shirt. "Your not going to say anything?" I ask he looks over his shoulder at me and shrugs.

"Fine, but your sleeping on the couch"

"YN.." He says sitting next to me

"No, don't touch me." I say shoving his hands away.

"I'm sorry I know I messed up I was just so caught up in working- and I forgot to have fun. I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me." I sit up and face him.

"You promised Chloe to teach her how to surf Cody, she just wants to be like you."

"I know and I'm going to start being a better dad to the twins." He says before pulling me onto his lap. "And a better husband to my beautiful angel." I blush before he presses my lips to mine.



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