24: Paris: Sex and Drugs (Part 1)

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Paris is a metaphor: Paris is obviously the city of romance and Cody have that with girls. They Live in California, Paris is a metaphor.

(Cody's Pov)

There was this girl I met her at this raucous party and we shared mutual friends in Soho. We danced, we drank, smoked and laughed our asses off. She was beautiful, and confident-confident enough to twerk on my lap. She was a wild girl leading me over and pouring this powder on the table. Over the music she snorted it and laughed. Drunk of my ass I followed her steps.

Her elegance character and expensive jacket was contrasted by her excessive cocaine use. Mixing the substance with alcoholism, and substances the left you high. Stumbling in the streets I feared her addiction, she was a overdose waiting to happen. I spent my money on her and girls for months. Oh how I love going to Paris again.

There where close calls where she blacked out for taking to much. She loved it, she wanted it everyday. She sniffed, rubbing her nose as I watched her talk to one of her guy friends.

"Mr. Sangreos he is on the corner in Main and Hoppet." She said writing directions on the back of a cigarette packet. She used Sangreos, her dealer, by telling him to lend her a gram if he was a good friend.  I had to leave because I couldn't handle it, watching her continued to sniff the substance. She made me try it, she almost got me hooked.

Entering the club, the music was loud, Paris had a lot of racket. I went straight to the bar ordering a drink before gulping it down scramming the crowd of sweaty bodies. I pushed my glass to him again and looked back out, spotting a girl, with black hair moving her hips to the music. I drowned my drink and pushed my way through the crowd. I placed my hands on her hips and her jump a bit turning to look back at me as I chuckled. He smiled and continued to dance her back to me, grinding on my lap.

As I started to cheat on my girlfriend over and over again, I kept going to party's sleeping with girls all over Paris, and kept getting introduced to cocaine. More and more till I found myself-a cheating boyfriend, buy coke for both Y/N and I.
Our friends worried about us, saying or nonchalance about the drug was going to get us killed.

"I have no clue where I'm going, do you?" I asked Y/N who was still oblivious to my cheating ways. I'd wait till she was sleeping, then proceed to party's. Oh how I love going to Paris again.

"You need help overcoming your newfound addiction" Y/N's girl friend said. She had a problem just like me, she cut her wrists to feel better, I just turned to drugs.

"How?" I asked carelessly swinging a bottle of beer before walking out of the room into our brick bedroom of our shitty apartment. I pulled the almost sheer curtain back and looked down at the street and watched as taxis and cars drove by. I grabbed a joint and lit it, pulling off my shirt and sitting in bed, leaning against the headboard. Y\N entered still in my shirt from this morning, without a bra, and her chest became noticeable as she sat down in front of me. I flicked off the ashes into a dish and put the cigarette between Y/Ns lips, watching as she inhaled the toxic substance. I took I from her, and she rested her hands on my knees and leaned in and blew out the smoke as Inhaled.

"How I ever told you you look hot doing that?" I ask as she smiled and took the joint from me and laid down between my legs. I watched her close her eyes and inhale and exhale the substance. I  moved and pulled her forward hovering over her know as now she placed the half used cigarette in between my lips. Her pupils were displayed just as mine where, I pulled back from the stick and blew away from her face.

I sat up after Y/N took the last smoke and put it out in the container. I bent back bone and kissed her harshly, my hand grabbing he thighs to pull her closer as I moved my hips against hers. Our lips moved in sync, closing around each other in lust. I pulled back from the kiss and pulled off her shirt as she struggled getting my belt loose.


There was a party that she had to miss, because her friend kept cutting her wrists. She left out of here just as we where about to leave, said she was going to the hospital, I argued and told her that she had been talking about this party for months. She yelled and told me I was callous, and heartless and she slammed the door leaving me to walk to the damn party. She was arguing and probably counting the number of times my eyes rolled.

As the months went on I noticed she stopped taking cocaine with me, she started worrying about my health and trying to keep me indoors to "protect me."
Oh how I wish I could go to Paris again.

Board at home with Christmas coming soon she looked through fashion magazines, as if we could afford that. We can barley pay rent. She grabbed a pen of the messy coffee table and began circling objects and fancy shit she wanted.

"Get of those drugs and get a damn job instead on being in the station 24/7. One of these your going to go for good."

"I'm done baby, I'm clean." I told her but I was really picking it up from Tucker. "Stop getting your hopes up for this expensive shit," I say pointing to a magazine. "We can't afford it for it."

"Are you on heroin?" She asked and I looked at her. "Are you using it the bluer out our relationship?"

"I told you I was clean."

"Bullshit!" She yelled at me.

"Who cares if I am!? Why can we just go back to the simpler times!? Where we don't fight, when we didn't have to steal because we need money, We own thousands to our friends because we can't even eat."

"That's because you buy drugs! And alcohol!"

"You use to Y/N your not clean. I woke up and saw you snorting coke!" I yelled at her. She stopped and gave me a hard stare.




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