25: Paris: Sex and Drugs (Part 2)

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"You use to Y/N your not clean. I woke up and saw you snorting coke!" I yelled at her. She stopped and gave me a hard stare.

(Cody's Pov)

"I really need you to stop, stop taking drugs, stop partying, I need you here." She pleaded and I looked at her weirdly she never needed me before .

"You think it's so easy don't you. I was clean before I met you! You made do my first dose, you where the wild one."

"Okay? So what? Maybe we'd have money if you hadn't spent it on prostitutes!" She yelled at me as if I was the bad guy.

"Whatever Y/N" I said passing her and heading towards the door stumbling over trash and clothes. I placed my hand on the door knob when she spoke up.

"I'm pregnant." She said and I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked at her in confusion. "We where high. You forgot to use protection." She said and I thought day on that day months ago, but I couldn't remember.

"I don't remember you stopping me." I say.

"I'm three months. That's why I stopped using and drinking." I grabbed her harshly,

"You took coke while you where pregnant with my child!?" I yelled at her and she pushed me back off of her.

"What the hells wrong with you!?"

"Now you finally care!?" She yelled her voice breaking off. And I shook my head in anger.

"We can afford a baby Y/N." I said walking towards the door angry at her.

"If you walk out that door and go party I'm putting you in rehab. This baby needs a father, I need a partner I can't do this myself." She said with tears in her eyes.

"How are you going to put me in rehab when we don't have money?" I said harshly before slamming the door behind me.

Night after night, girl after girl.
Paris was always there
Y/N was right, I was using heroin. It's a break from the real world, you don't have to deal with bitchy girlfriends, emotions, and evidently all my choices I've made. How could I been so dumb! It's like she wanted a kid, she didn't stop me this was her own fault. She did this to herself. Whore.

High on heroin from my buyer and walking back to the apartment wasn't smart. I hadn't used the substance but every now and then, only when I wanted to "get away." I was dumb I'll admit it, I got stopped by and officer who shines his damn flashlight in my eyes. I stumbled and he asked pulled me off the sidewalk.

"I gotta see my girlfriend." I told him tearing from his grasp and a second cop joined him.

"Sir, can you walk in a straight line?" I looked at him and he moved his flashlight to shine in my eyes and I cussed at him. I did as I was told and walked in a line, well I thought I did. My arms and legs where heavy so it felt hard to do so. He told me to stop and I looked at him as he talked into his walkie talkie. I realized I was about to be arrested and I flipped him off walking down the street to get to Y/N.

I got hit with his stick in his shoulder and I hissed in pain as he pushed me to the ground. I argued with him to get off me when he asked what type of drug I had taken. I shot him profanity after profanity as he cuffed me and stated my rights. He hosted me up and walked me to his squad car and I was murmuring to him that I couldn't go to jail, and that I had to get to Y/N.

Hours later I found myself in a cell, charged with possession of a controlled substance. They talking about 10 months in county jail because I had other misdemeanors like; DWI, Being at a party where there where drugs, Driving while in possession of cocaine. All these things were adding up and Y/N was right. I could face jail time for this.

I was appointed a attorney being I couldn't afford one and he hoped that he'd be able to talk them
out of jail time because Y/N was pregnant. I was moved to a room with a big window in front as I rolled my eyes when they wouldn't take my handcuffs off. My lawyer walked in and I turned to him.

"You failed your drug test." He started. "Cocaine, and heroin were found." He said sitting down keeping his sentences short. "Because of so many misdemeanors you are required 8 months jail time, along with diversion treatment, and after getting out you will be on probation." He said and I sighed sliding down my chair and resting the back of my head on the back of the chair.

"That's too long." I say, "Y/N is going to have my kid in 7 months."

"It's the best I could do, you've been so deep in drugs, you've been in trouble with law, you resisted arrest- I can't do anything else for you. Do you agree with these terms?" My lawyer asked and I sighed.



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