20: I Hate You

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Cody and I had been fighting for months since he came home from tour, we'd be happy one minute then arguing the next, threatening to leave one another. We'd argue for hours to the point were we ignored each other, and slept in different beds. It resolved with tears and saying we where sorry to each other but this fight was different. We should've know, we had to have known that our small fights would lead to something like this, it was there this whole time yet we ignored it by just arguing more.

Our words towards each other are full of anger, something about tonight made our fights different it was like we didn't even know the person standing right in front of us, like they weren't who they fell in love with.

"I so sick of arguing, this is not what I wanted YN" Cody said rubbing his hands over his face.

"You wanted a relationship." I had spat.

"A good one! Not one where I constantly fight with someone. I wanted a relationship that was perfect."

"No relationship is perfect."

"I want to go out, and do things by myself-"

"You go out every night with Tucker!" I yelled.

"You call or text we wondering where I am! I don't think I would tell you where I am every second of the day! God YN your so- so clingy, I wished you just-" he stopped himself not wanting to take out his anger on me, I wanted to hear it, I wanted to hear him say the word I knew he was going to say.

"Say it!" I yelled.

"Your so bitchy," he spat. "Did you know that? I can't even walk down the steps of our house without out you asking where I'm going. Constantly in my space. You think I wanted a relationship with someone as clingy as you? Your wrong, I don't. I fucking hate you. I want you to leave, the best thing for our relationship is you leaving." He spat out, but he seemed to freeze, but my once tense body slumped, my fist unclenching. I didn't expect him to say that, it was like a stab in the heart. I let a breath of anger and looked up at him as he was looking away from me. With tear in my eyes I grabbed my purse out of the chair and he looked over at me me.

"Watch me leave then." I said spitting out the words. I didn't want to leave, I loved Cody but if this was the only way for me to be happy then I guess it would be best for the both of us. I pulled on my heels and stood up to look at him but he wasn't looking at me anymore.

"You wanted me to leave, so fucking watch me leave!" I yelled, but he stayed put, looking away from me. "Cody." I said sternly, he continued to look away as I grabbed the glass off the table and threw it at him and he staggered back as it hit is boot covered feet. "Look at me, watch me." I say walking ombre to the door but before I grabbed the handle I turned to look at him. He wouldn't look. I wondered if this was hurting him as much as it was me.

"Don't leave." He said.

"Why? You hate me? Leaving would be the best thing for us remember?" I said quoting him as his walked over to me as he grabbed my hips and pushed me onto the wall. I was weaker than him but managed to push him hard enough I stumble back and I hit his chest back over and over out of anger until the tears made me weak and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Let me go." I cried.

"Stop fighting me YN." He grunted and I stopped, but sunk to the floor, as he still held me close to him.

"You hate me." I say wiping the tears off my mascara stained cheeks.

"I don't." He said quietly grabbing me even more tightly, but I just let him, keep my hands on his knees to hold myself up. He pulled back and grabbed my chin pulling it up to peck my lips. "I love you YN. You know that right?"

"I don't know." I said softly looking at his as he wiped of a start tear with his thumb before pressing his lips to my forehead.



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