23: Olympics

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I couldn't be prouder in Cody and Alli, running with the torch was a big deal. Cody, Brad, Alli and I had arrived in Rio a couple days ago which gave Cody and I a couple days to go sight seeing, and even be lazy in our hotel.

While Cody and Alli did interviews and photos for Billboard I stood back with Brad, he was practically my buddy throughout most of the trip. Cody and Alli supported their home country, Australia while I was from the U.S.

Cody and I weren't really public, we liked to keep our relationship on the down low, occasionally going out to eat at Craig's, or Nice Guy in Los Angeles but other than that we chilled. Cody spent him time on the new music he had coming out and I'd go hang with Alli in our new house. Alli and I had become friends way before Cody and I started dating.

As I sat here in the bleachers, Cody's hand in mine, the other cheering on his fellow Aussies, I could tell how proud he was of his country and how proud he was to be an Aussie. He talked about 'home' a lot promised we'd go on vacation their some day.

Of course I cheered on my country, occasionally not rooting for anyone and just admiring the sports. Cody loved watching the swimming/diving events. I like watching (your favorite Olympic sport).

Cody cheered, standing up, his hand still in mine taking me with him. I laughed at him and he grabbed my hand tightly while high-fiving his dad and sister.

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