19: Spaces Between Us

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I couldn't find the right words to describe how excited I was to be in London. I had this day planned in my head ever since Cody got of this North American leg of his tour, which was about a month ago. I loved watching Cody get up on stage and preform in front of thousands of people who adored him.

My excitement grew when I walked down the hotel hallway, a small suitcase trailing behind me, as I turned left and Cody's door was on the end. The door was cracked by a lock and I lifted my hand to knock but froze when I heard my name.

"YN is not that bad." I heard Corey's voice and heard Cody sigh.

"You don't understand." I let my hand drop and continued listening.

"I thought things were going great between the two of you. Did you just buy her a Burberry coat?"

"Her favorite." I was, in fact I was wearing it right now, it was a birthday gift from him. I was torn what did Cody say?

"She just need to chill out with the relationship, I need space to work on music, but she's always right beside me." Okay that hurt, I continued to listen even though my eyes were already watering.

"All I'm saying is she's clingy, hell I'll by her anything she wants if she's give me some space ya know? I just need a breather away from her.

"Like months?" Corey asked.

"No...she doesn't have to follow me around like a lost puppy.. I need space." I sighed and moved away from the door when I heard movement.

That hurt, it hurt that Cody thought this way. I never see him so when I do I liked being around him, I didn't know I was being clingy though. I wiped my tears off my cheeks and continued to walk down the hallway as I heard the door open. I started to walk quicker over to the elevator.

"YN?" Corey asked. I kept my gaze forward and on the elevator, this seemed like the longest wait for the elevator.

"YN!" Cody yelled. I ignored him and walked through, pulling my suitcase in Cody Stopped the doors from closing. I looked out of the elevator and down at the ground floor, it was one of those elevators that was glass and you could watch as you went down.

"YN what' are you doing here? This is great-" he said kind of breathless, obviously running to catch me, he reached out his hand but I slapped it away before he could touch me and he look baffled at my action. I quickly looked away from him and swallowed, I just wanted to leave I didn't want to talk to him right now.

"Can you leave?" I asked.


"Can you step back do I can leave." I said pressing the button to the ground floor. I sniffed and looked back at him.

"Where are you going? Are you in a different hotel cause I can make arrangements-" I shook my head and pushed him back away from the elevator. He stumbled out of the shift and looked at me.

"YN what-" before he could finish the elevator doors shut, and I slowly descended down to the Main Floor. I didn't know when the next flight to Los Angeles was but I sure as hell wasn't staying here in London.


I rolled my eyes as Cody called me for the fifteenth time in the time span of twenty minutes, I switched my phone to silent and rated my head against the taxi's headrest and sighed. I wasn't about to admit that I wasn't disappointed, I dropped everything to come see him for a couple days. If I knew i was coming off 'clingy' I wouldn't have even bothered.

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