15. Mariage Problems

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Cody was always on the road, doing what he loved, hanging out with his friends. He was never at home anymore, we had a five month old at home that he never saw. Everything practically changed after Emma was born. Of course he would go get her from her crib late at night, feed her, change her, bathe her-that all came to a stop when he started working on his new album/mixtape.

He supported the both of us, I had quit my job to stay at home, get more time alone with Cody hen he was home but he was always with his friends. We had just gotten back from Marriage Counseling. We've been going to these meetings for a year, and nothing ever got fixed.

"I don't even know why even go to those stupid meetings." He mumbled rubbing his forehead, pushing his sunglasses off to rub his eyes. He had gotten drunk with Corey and a couple other friends he met along the months I was at home with Emma. "We don't need it Y/N."

"Have you seen the way we've been acting to each other Cody? We always fight. I love you but I can't stand fighting anymore." I say setting the pitcher in the refrigerator.

"You've been so bossy since the baby. Cody do this, Cody do that, Cody bring me this, Cody go get me-"

"I'm stressed! I'm the only one who's ever here. Don't you think I want to go out with my friends? I've been in a house with a baby for months."

"Your so good at being a mother Y/N, all Emma does is cry when I go and get her. I hand her to you and she stops, I'm a horrible-"

"Don't you dare say it. Your not, it happens a lot. You just have to be around her a lot."

"I'm sorry I didn't birth her, you have a huge head start." He said with a small smile, and I laughed.

"Well your mom has her right now, I thought we could spend time together but it looks like your going somewhere." I say quietly

"Yeah... I have to go to the studio-" I sigh loudly and turn to grab a cup out of the cabinet. "Why are you mad?"

"I'm not mad."

"Yes you are." He said turning me around our faces inches apart.

"I'm sorry I can't always be home, I'll stop going out with the guys and help out with Emma if you cancel those marriage consul meetings. They do nothing but tear us apart, all we do is fight." He said.

"You have to really be there Cody."

"Okay I will I promise." He said. I gave him a small smile before he pressed his lips against mine softly. I set the cup on the counter before running my fingers through his hair.

His hands ran down my back pulling my closer to his my the hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss became rougher. I pulled away and he looked at me.

"Shouldn't you be going to the studio?"

"I'll have to take a rain check I have to please my wife." My cheeks burned as he grabbed my hand led me up to our master bedroom. I shut the door and Cody came up to me and popped the buttons of my shirt with a quick, swift motion and I pulled it down my arms and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his down to kiss me. His hands ran over my back and tested on my hips as I raised his shirt up. He pulled away and took it off himself throwing it to the floor pressing our lips back together. He pushed me back until I felt the end of the bed and he pulled away as I sat in the middle of the bed.

He pushed me back against the pillows looking at me with a smile which I gladly return touching his shoulders and running my hands all over his torso as he kissed my neck. He sucked and nibbled at the skin and I let out a moan. He pulled me up and his hands went to unclasp my bra. He kissed me again as I slid the straps down my arms throwing it onto the floor as his lips trailed down my jaws and back down to my shoulder.

"You should be a model. Your gorgeous Y/N." He whispered which made me blush. He lowered me back onto the bed and that began our active day, Angie having to watch Emma for the rest if the day.




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