Chapter Five

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The rest of the sleepover was spent watching Rom-Coms and strategizing how to get revenge on a certain group of guys. The three guys involved in the bet, to be exact. Adrienne with an evil smirk told the rest of the group to leave Billie Joe to her. The plotting look gave Addison an uneasy feeling and she felt sympathy for Billie Joe and whatever he faced in front of him. Addison reminded herself to never get on Adrienne's bad side.

            Coming up with something for Mark was a bit more challenging. Noelle had the idea to have Skye do something to toy with his emotions, what with his huge crush on her. Convincing Skye was the problem.

            "I just don't see how this is revenge," Skye said, crossing her arms over her chest. The four girls were sitting in a circle on Skye's bed, their attention directed towards Skye's cell phone that sat in the middle of the circle. The phone was opened to Mark's contact information, just waiting for the call button to be pressed.

            "Trust us," Noelle reassured. "This is going to work, if you do it well that is." She winked at Skye, but that only increased Skye's reluctance.

            "Why does it have to be me though?" Skye whined. Adrienne rolled her eyes at her friend's obliviousness.

            "Who else is going to do it? I have a boyfriend, despite how much of an ass he is sometimes. He would never believe Addison, no offense," Adrienne paused, shooting a look at Addison.

            "And you'd be way more convincing than me," Noelle added. Skye groaned.

            "You guys better be quiet," Skye warned, glaring at the other girls. "If you start giggling, I'll crack and it won't work." The other three girls nodded. "Alright. Here goes nothing."

            Skye leaned forward and pressed the call button next to Mark's name. She put the phone on speaker. The sound of the ring back tone filled the room. Mark answered on the third ring; Addison was surprised it took him that long honestly.

            "Hello?" Mark mumbled through the phone. His voice was groggy, giving the impression that he had been asleep.

            "Hey, Mark, it's me," Skye practically whispered back. There was the sound of a bed creaking through the phone. Addison took a guess that Mark had leaped out of his bed at the thought of Skye calling him. Well, not literally, he probably just sat up.

            "Skye? Is everything okay? It's like...midnight."

            "Yeah, everything's fine," Skye giggled. "Are you alone?"

            "Uh...yeah?" Mark answered, the confusion evident in his tone.

            "I was... thinking about you." Skye's face turned a bright pink. The other girls were suppressing smiles, trying their hardest not to laugh and blow the prank. "I wanted to hear your voice."

            There was the sound of Mark coughing, almost like he was choking. "Oh, um...yeah?" Mark repeated.

            "Yeah," Skye breathed into the phone. "It's just so....deep. I just love it when you talk, especially when you say my name." Skye blushed even more. "I kept thinking about your hair too. I want to run my fingers through it; pull on it to get you to say my name."

            "Skye..." Mark trailed off, his voice sounding even rougher than usual.

            "I want to kiss you so bad, Marky," Skye moaned. Adrienne had to bite into her fist to stop herself from laughing. "I want to kiss you so hard and I won't stop until your lips are red and swollen. I want to run my hands all over your body, feel every... last... inch of you." Mark moaned into the phone and Noelle buried her face in a pillow to hide her laughter.

            "Skye, what-" Mark started, but Skye cut him off.

            "Don't you want me, Mark?"

            "Skye you have no idea," Mark groaned. Skye looked at the other girls in confusion. "I've liked you for the longest time." Skye's jaw dropped in shock. So that's why the other girls wanted her to make the phone call.

            "Uh, gotta go, Mark. Bye," Skye said abruptly.

            "Skye, wait-" came through the phone right before Skye hung up.

            "What the fuck?" Skye asked her friends. Noelle lifted her head from the pillow and burst out laughing. Adrienne stopped biting into her fist and joined in the laughter. Even Addison cracked a smile.

            "That was hilarious!" Noelle gasped through her laughter.

            "How much do you want to bet he was jerking off during that?" Adrienne giggled. Skye glared at her friends.

            "Guys, it's not funny!" Skye exclaimed. "You knew he liked me?"

            Adrienne rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows he likes you. It's so obvious." Skye huffed in response and then buried her face in her hands.

            "Ugh, I feel so bad now. I didn't know he liked me," Skye mumbled. Noelle rubbed Skye's back in an attempt to comfort her.

            "You shouldn't feel bad. He deserved it after making that stupid bet," Adrienne added. Skye raised her head and sent a dubious look at Adrienne. She sighed.

            "I guess... It was pretty funny wasn't it?" Skye giggled. The four girls all started laughing. By the time they were finished, they were all red and had tears rolling down their faces and were gasping for breath.

            "Now we only have to think of something for Tom," Noelle said once they had all calmed down. Noelle and Adrienne shared a look. Addison had a bad feeling about this.

            "So the only way to get Tom to drop the bet is to make it too difficult right?" Adrienne asked. "Make him so frustrated that he can't take it anymore and he gives up. Otherwise he won't leave you alone until the deadline passes."

            Addison nodded slowly, showing that she understood where Adrienne was coming from. "So how do we do that?" she asked.

            Noelle grinned and shook her head. "Oh, we're not doing anything. It's what you're going to do." Yep, Addison had a very bad feeling about this.

"But we'll help of course," Skye added quickly.

"Look, it's easy," Adrienne explained. "All you have to do is play hard to get, which Tom will already be expecting. That's not going to get him to drop it though; at least I doubt it will."

"The main part of the plan is to tease him," Noelle finished. Addison raised an eyebrow.

"Tease him?" Addison repeated, wanting to believe that she simply misheard. "What is that supposed to entail exactly?"

"You know...tease him," Adrienne answered. Addison gave her a blank look. Adrienne sighed. "I do it to BJ all the time when I'm mad. You get know...worked up, and then you stop before he gets what he wants. After doing that over and over again, he'll eventually get so sexually frustrated and he'll drop the bet and he'll bang the first girl that walks by him."

"You seriously think that's going to work?" Addison asked doubtfully. The other three girls grinned in response.

"Oh yeah," Noelle answered. "Tom's used to sleeping with a different girl at least once a week. He'll be so sex deprived he won't make it to the end of the semester. I doubt he'll even get to the end of the month."

Addison rolled her eyes at her friend's logic. "Yeah but what's stopping him from having sex with other girls?"

Skye shook her head. "Come on, you know Tom. He may be a player but he only...focuses...I guess that's the word for it, on one girl at a time. He'd never sleep with another girl when he's going after you."

Addison sighed in defeat; she couldn't think of any other logical objections to the plan, other than she just didn't want to do it. She didn't think she could do it honestly. "Fine, but absolutely no makeovers."

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