Chapter Thirty-two

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"So why did you and Tom leave the party so early last night?" Noelle smirked at Addison over the basket of fries in the middle of the table. The two girls were with Skye and Adrienne at the mall food court. They had been talking about the new Tiffany & Co. store that was opening in the upcoming spring, but of course the conversation had turned to Addison's relationship with Tom.

"We didn't leave the party," Addison denied, taking a sip from her Starbucks coffee. "We were at Mark's house the entire time."

"You know what I meant," Noelle rolled her eyes. "As soon as we got there you ditched us for Tom, and then I didn't see you again until hours later." Addison was pretty sure Noelle was exaggerating about the time frame, although she and Tom had lain in bed for awhile, just cuddling and lazily kissing each other, before they had returned to the living room.

Adrienne raised an eyebrow at Addison. "Hours, huh? You better spill the details before we assume the worst, Ads. Or the best, depending on how you look at it."

Addison sent a pleading look to Skye, who just shrugged her shoulders. Addison sighed. "It's not that I don't want to tell you guys, it's just that I'm not sure if such a public area is a good setting for this conversation."

"Now you have to tell us," Adrienne grinned. "Is Tommy getting his $200?"

"No," Addison frowned. "I'm not an idiot. We didn't go all the way, but we, um, went pretty far."

"Would you stop being so vague and just tell us already," Noelle demanded, anticipation shining on her face.

"Uh," Addison blushed. She lowered her voice, trying to be quiet enough so no one would overhear them, but loud enough so she wouldn't have to repeat herself. "He...went down on me."

"Shut up!" Adrienne shrieked, causing a few people from nearby tables to glance over. She coughed and said in a hushed tone, "He must be taking this really seriously."

"Was it good?" Noelle grinned, leaning in towards the table.

"Yeah," Addison admitted, her blush deepening. "It was really good, indescribably good."

"Wow," Noelle commented, an impressed look on her face.

"I mean," Adrienne took a fry, "I would hope he was good. He's certainly been with enough women to know what they like."

Addison's heart sank. She knew Adrienne was right, practice made perfect after all. But it still stung a little to be reminded that she was just another notch in Tom's bedpost.

"But that doesn't make what you felt any less meaningful," Skye contributed. Judging by her sympathetic look, she must have noticed Addison's change in demeanor.

"And I bet Tom doesn't usually go down on girls anyway," Noelle added, placing her hand on top of Addison's. "Maybe he does for foreplay, but not without getting something in return."

"I'm sorry, Ads," Adrienne apologized, realizing her mistake. "You know, sometimes I wish Billie had been more experienced when we first got together, then I wouldn't have had to teach him everything."

"It's fine, guys," Addison reassured. "I know that Tom's slept with a lot of girls. That's not new info." Sometimes she just liked to delude herself into thinking she was the only one that mattered. That she was somehow different from the rest.

It was quiet for a moment before Adrienne broke the silence. "So...just out of curiosity, did Tom's lip ring get in the way at all?"

"Adrienne!" Skye exclaimed, slapping Adrienne's upper arm. Addison was right there with Skye. Her cheeks turned a burning red once more; she probably would never have to buy blush again.

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