Chapter Thirty-eight

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Addison stared down at her Physics textbook. She was trying to concentrate, she really was, but the letters on the page just didn't make any sense. She just kept glancing over at the green stuffed alien sitting on top of her dresser. Addison knew she should just get rid of the toy since it only served as a painful reminder of everything Tom had put her through, but she couldn't bring herself to throw it out. The alien reminded her of happy things too, like how Tom had made her laugh and smile again after one of the worst days of her life. It reminded her of their friendship and how Tom cared for her, just not in the way she wanted him to.

            Despite Tom's persistence, she didn't, she couldn't, believe him when he said that he hadn't been putting on act when they were together, though she desperately wanted to. She wanted things to go back to normal. She wanted Tom to hold her in his arms and she wanted to melt into his touch. But she couldn't. She couldn't trust anything that came from his mouth, not when he still had a chance to win the bet.

            And even when the semester would end and the bet would be over, she still wasn't sure if she and Tom could get back together. Addison couldn't wrap her head around the idea that Tom might truly like her back. He could get any girl he wanted, why would he choose Addison?

            And even if Tom did "love" her, did she want to be with him? After everything he put her through? After he took their friendship for granted by making that bet?

            Addison knew she still had some feelings for Tom, that much was obvious from her reluctance to throw out the stuffed alien and the necklace he gave her. She was just hoping that the feelings would go away, preferably sooner rather than later. She thought the reason she still felt something for Tom was only because he was one of her best friends, as well as her first relationship. People don't easily forget that, but Addison wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to.

            Addison's eyes tried to get the words in front of her to stop blurring together. When she read the word "vector," the quote from Despicable Me popped into her head, making her think of Tom. Addison sighed and closed the book in frustration. She needed a study break anyways.

            She stood up from her desk and grabbed her black high-tops. Addison pulled them on and laced them up. She grabbed a jacket, wishing for a split second that she could wear Tom's black hoodie instead, and zipped it up over her long-sleeved shirt.

            She needed to see someone who could help her forget about Tom. So she biked over to Gerard's house.

            "Addison," Mrs. Way said when she opened the door, clearly surprised to see the girl on her doorstep.

            "Hi, Mrs. Way. Is Gerard home?" Addison asked. She realized she probably should have texted Gerard before randomly showing up at his house.

            "Now what did I say about calling me Donna?" Mrs. Way smiled.

            "Sorry," Addison immediately apologized. She still hadn't gotten used to calling her friends' parents by their first names.

            "It's quite alright, dear. Come right on in," Mrs. Way ushered Addison inside, closing the door behind her. "Gerard! Addison's here!"

            Addison heard a door open and close, followed by the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

            "Addison, hey," Gerard greeted somewhat breathlessly when he appeared in the foyer. "What's up?"

            "I'll leave you two kids to talk," Mrs. Way said as she headed into the hallway.

            "I, uh, just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out," Addison answered Gerard's question, heat rushing to her cheeks. She suddenly felt embarrassed for coming here. She hadn't shown up at the Ways' house without Alice for quite some time. She and Gerard were still close, but after Halloween Addison had focused on the plan with Tom, and as result her friendship with Gerard had been put on the backburner.

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