Chapter Ten

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After Addison had run out of the kitchen, Tom decided to wait before he went after her. He walked around Mark's house, talking to a few people and sipping his beer. Once he finished his drink he decided to go look for Addison. And he certainly found her. She was dancing with some guy and they were getting up close and personal. From where Tom stood, it looked like they were attached, as if their bodies had melded into one.

Tom didn't like it. He felt jealousy run through his body, which was ridiculous. Tom DeLonge didn't get jealous, he made other guys jealous. He could have any girl he wanted. Except for Addison apparently. So far she had totally rejected his advances: ignoring his attempts at flirting and even his attempt at kissing her. Not that Tom was really trying yet, he was just warming up.

But now it seemed that Addison was interested in a different guy. It's not like Tom liked Addison or anything. That was preposterous. She was his friend; despite the fact he was trying to seduce her. No, he just didn't want this strange guy, who seemed to have never heard of personal space, to threaten his chances with Addison. It was hard enough trying to sleep with Addison when she was single, but if she actually liked someone else, it would be damn near impossible. There was no fucking way Tom was going to lose this bet to Mark and Billie Joe. He wasn't even sure if he had $200. He would just have to make his move before the stranger could.

Tom was wondering if he should fight his way onto the dance floor and ask to cut in when the song ended and Addison left the floor, with the guy following her. He walked over to where Addison was emerging from the crowd and waited for her.

She glanced in his direction, frowned slightly, and continued walking, stopping in front of a short tattooed guy and a tall guy with an afro. The guy that Addison was dancing with stopped with her in front of the other two.

"Hey," the short guy greeted. "That was quick." He raised an eyebrow at Addison and the guy.

The guy that was dancing shrugged. "I told you, I don't like dancing." The short guy shook his head and muttered something under his breath.

Tom took that opportunity to approach the group. He walked over and wrapped an arm around Addison's waist, slightly pulling her into his side. "Hey, Ads," Tom greeted. "I was wondering where you went." He looked at the three guys in front of him. "Who are they?"

Addison looked up at Tom in annoyance, but she didn't move his arm which Tom took as a good sign. "This is Gerard, Frank, and Ray," she answered, pointing to the guy she was dancing with, the short guy, and then the tall guy. Tom nodded his head to them in acknowledgement.

"'Sup? I'm Tom," he introduced. Ray smiled politely. Tom couldn't read Gerard's expression. Frank scowled slightly.

"Yeah, we know." What was this guy's problem?

Tom turned back to look down at Addison. "So we're going to start games soon. You coming?" Tom smirked at the accidental innuendo, but Addison just ignored it.

Addison looked at the other three guys. "Do you guys want to play some party games?" she asked. Tom rolled his eyes, praying to god that they said no, or at least Gerard said no.

"What kind of games?" Frank asked. He had visibly perked up at the mention of games.

Tom shrugged. "You know, the usual: Spin the Bottle, 7 Minutes in Heaven, stuff like that."

"So, want to join?" Addison repeated, smiling at the three guys. Tom glared at Gerard, as if daring him to say yes. Gerard made eye contact with Tom briefly before looking away.

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