Chapter Fourteen

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Addison couldn't believe it. They had won the game by a difference of ten points. Even Mark did fairly well, compared to how he usually played. He did seem to improve towards the end of the game when Skye began to cheer him on. Mike and Tom had pulled most of the weight for their team, getting quite a few spares and strikes through the ten frames. It seemed like Noelle had been bowling worse than usual which had brought down her team, but Addison just attributed it to how late the party ran last night and the fact that Noelle was probably tired as a result.

Billie Joe had not been happy about losing and demanded a rematch. So the group decided to play one last game since they had rented the lanes for two hours anyway. Unfortunately, Addison's team hadn't done nearly as well in the second game and they lost. Badly. They had lost by over one hundred points.

Addison wondered how she was going to survive the car ride home with Noelle bragging the entire time, when Tom offered to drive her.

"It's no big deal, I live closer to Addison's house than you do," Tom told Noelle. Noelle still looked hesitant. She looked over at Addison to see if she was okay with it. Addison smiled slightly to let Noelle know it was fine.

"Well if you're sure," Noelle said. "Thanks, I guess. Bye, Ads." Noelle gave Addison a hug. "See you at school, Tom." Tom made a face at the mention of school.

"Thanks for that unwanted reminder, Noelle," Tom said. Noelle laughed and waved goodbye as she walked to her car.

"Thanks for offering to drive me home," Addison said as Tom led her to his used car.

"No problem," Tom smiled. He opened the passenger door for Addison and closed it once she was seated. He walked over to the driver's side and got in the car. Tom backed out of the parking spot and started to drive towards Addison's house. The only sound in the car was the faint music playing from the radio that had turned on when Tom started the car.

"Good game today," Addison complimented, breaking the silence between the two.

"Thanks," Tom smiled. "You weren't so bad yourself."

"Excuse me," Addison scoffed, "without me you would've lost the first game."

"Speaking of our win, how should we celebrate this weekend?" Tom asked. "I can think of a few ways, but something tells me you'd have some objections," he smirked.

Addison rolled her eyes. It looked like Tom was back to his usual flirtatious behavior. "I have a feeling you're right about that."

"But seriously, what do you want to do?" Tom asked, looking over at Addison briefly before turning his attention back to the road.

She shrugged. "I don't know, I'm fine with whatever," she answered.

"I guess I'll have to come up with something then," Tom sighed. "We could just go see a movie or something," he suggested.

Addison raised an eyebrow at him. "How is that celebrating?"

Tom shrugged. "We could go out for dinner too then."

"Dinner and a movie?" Addison smirked. Tom rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, it won't be a date," Tom reassured as he pulled up to Addison's house.

"Obviously. I would expect nothing more from you," Addison replied, reaching down to pick up her bag from the floor of the car. She turned to get out of the car but she felt Tom grab her arm. Addison turned to look at him, seeing a confused expression on his face. Addison thought she saw a hurt expression cross Tom's face but it was gone before she could be sure.

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