Chapter Twelve

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On Saturday morning Addison woke up in her bed with a small headache. She was suddenly glad she only drank two beers last night otherwise she would have a raging hangover. Addison groaned and rolled over in her bed. She reached out her hand and grabbed her phone that was sitting on her nightstand. She saw a bunch of texts from her friends before she read the time. 11:26 a.m. Shit, she slept half the day away.

            She sat up in her bed and stretched before she threw her covers off her body. Addison headed to the bathroom to start her morning routine. When she finished, she grabbed her phone from her bedroom and headed downstairs into the kitchen. Alice sat at the kitchen table, rubbing her temple with one hand and sipping from a coffee mug. Clearly she had drunk much more at the party than Addison had. It was a good thing their parents worked on Saturdays, otherwise Alice would have a hard time hiding her hangover.

            Addison walked over to the coffee pot and made herself a mug. She blew on the steaming liquid as she walked back to the table and sat down next to Alice. Her sister flinched slightly at the sound of Addison's chair scratching against the tile floor. Addison took a sip of her coffee, burning the tip of her tongue in the process. She looked down to read the texts on her phone. She had a few texts from Noelle, one from Adrienne, one from Skye, one from Billie Joe, and one from Tom.

            Noelle: we're going bowling today, u in?

            Bowling? Was she serious? Weren't her friends hung-over at all? Maybe they were just so used to drinking alcohol that they no longer got hangovers. Was that even possible?

            Noelle: u better be. u have some explaining to do...

            Addison sighed. Noelle had tried asking Addison questions when she had driven her home last night. First Noelle had asked her about what exactly had happened during 7 Minutes in Heaven. Then she questioned Addison about where she went off to during the middle of the game when she supposedly was going to the bathroom. Finally, Noelle had interrogated her on what exactly was going on between her and Gerard, specifically why Noelle had found Addison snuggled up against him. Addison had pushed off all the questions, saying she was too tired to answer them right then. She was sort of hoping Noelle would forget by the next morning, but that was naïve; Noelle never forgot things and she never let things go.

            The next text from Noelle was sent an hour earlier.

            Noelle: bitch answer me!!!!!! >:(

            Right after that was:

            Noelle: jk i luv u. but i'm picking u up for bowling at 12:15 so u better be ready

            Addison checked the time. She had roughly thirty minutes to get ready.

            Addison: I love you too. Of course I'll be ready, it's me. See you soon!

            Addison turned to Alice. "You want to go bowling with me and my friends?" Addison asked. It wasn't unusual for Alice to hang out with them. Addison never minded and her friends were cool with her tagging along. Sometimes it even seemed like Alice got along with her friends more than she did.

            Alice looked at Addison with an "are you kidding me" expression. "No thanks," Alice answered. "I think if I even entered a bowling alley my head would explode." Alice took a sip of her coffee. "Besides, I have plans."

            This wasn't unusual. Alice always had plans for the weekend. But it was strange for Alice to follow through on the plans when she had gone out and gotten wasted the night before. Addison raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

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