Chapter Twenty-one

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A/N: possible rape trigger warning??? No rape actually occurs, and I did my best not to mention it directly, but I wanted to put a warning in case anyone is easily triggered.

Addison knew however that it was unlikely a "happily ever after" would result from her relationship with Tom, despite how she felt while dancing with him. They were both playing games with each other and it was just a matter of time before one of them got hurt. Addison wasn't entirely sure what Tom thought would happen after the bet, whether he could just bang her and then go back to being friends, but she knew that he most likely hadn't been thinking of the aftermath at all. When Addison agreed to go along with the plan, she figured she could just make Tom drop the bet and then she could admit that she knew about it the entire time and they could laugh it off and forget about the bet and their fake relationship.

But judging from the amount of butterflies in Addison's stomach as she sat next to Tom on Billie Joe's couch while she and her friends watched scary movies, she didn't think she could come out of this relationship unscathed. She tried to convince herself that she was just nervous, that there was a possibility Adrienne was right and Tom was going to make his move tonight and Addison was completely unprepared. While that might contribute to some of the butterflies, Addison knew that Tom's arm around her was only multiplying the number. If Addison was honest with herself, she knew she had feelings for Tom even if she wasn't entirely sure what those feelings were yet. Ever since the night they went stargazing when Tom showed how sweet he could be, Addison couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if they were actually dating. But she just had to remind herself that they weren't dating, their entire relationship was a sham, and Tom's lines and behavior toward her was just an act that he was putting on to win the bet. He didn't actually mean any of it. Besides, Tom was purposefully trying to make her fall for him so neither one of their feelings were legitimate.

But knowing all that information didn't stop Addison's heart from skipping a beat when Tom tightened his arm around her during the part of the movie where Jack Torrance starts chopping through the door with an axe. Then again, she could always just attribute that to the suspense of the movie.

When Jack's hand was cut off in the movie, Skye let out a small shriek, despite the fact that she's seen The Shining before. Addison looked over at her friend and saw Skye clinging onto Mark's arm, while Mark just stared at the TV screen with a huge grin on his face, even though a psychopath was trying to murder his family. Addison turned her attention back to the movie.

"Who wants to watch Halloween?" Mike asked once the end credits rolled across the screen.

"No," Noelle groaned from her position of lying on her stomach on the floor. "I want to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas."

"The tradition is to watch horror movies after the dance, not Halloween ones," Mike rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah and we're totally honoring our traditions which is why Billie and Adrienne already ditched us and Tré's already sleeping," Noelle shot back. Her statement held truth in it, Billie Joe and Adrienne had gone to Billie's room after the first movie and Tré fell asleep half way through The Shining, resulting in Mike drawing a dick on his face.

"Billie Joe and Adrienne have their own homecoming traditions to keep up," Mike replied with a suggestive smirk.

"What about Night of the Living Dead?" Travis suggested, always the peacemaker.

"Please no," Skye begged. "Zombies freak me out and the special effects are terrible." She leaned against Mark's side, still holding onto his arm even though the movie had ended.

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