Chapter Nine

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The dooropened to reveal Skye who stood there with a huge grin on her face. She too was somewhat dressed up for the party. She had on a white lace top, pink skirt, denim jacket, and white Converse.

"Hey, guys!" she greeted. "I was wondering when you were going to show up! The rest of the gang is all here." She backed up and gestured for them to come in. "I'll take those," Skye said, reaching for the invitations the girls held in their hands. "Mark just wanted to make sure that no underclassmen snuck in," she paused, giving a pointed look to Alice who blushed, "but there are so many people here I don't think it makes much of a difference."

The girls handed their invitations to Skye who placed them in a box next to the door that was overflowing with invites. They all stepped inside and Alice, the last one in, closed the door behind her.

"How is everything with you and Mark?" Addison asked, curious about the conversation they had on Tuesday. Skye's smile flickered slightly before returning to normal.

"Oh, it's all fine," she answered. "I explained to him how the call was to get back at him for the bet and we agreed to just forget it ever happened." She quickly changed the subject, "So drinks are in the kitchen, people are dancing in the living room, a few people are outside too. I'm going to head back to the dance floor." She waved goodbye to the group and began to push her way through all the people that crowded the house.

"I'm going to go join her," Alice said. "Maybe find a cute senior guy to flirt with." She started to head into the mass of bodies.

"Be careful!" Addison called out after her. Alice just waved her hand to acknowledge that she heard her sister, before she disappeared in the crowd. Addison sighed, hoping that she wouldn't become an aunt by the time the night was through. She turned to face Noelle. "Speaking of the bet, do you know what Adrienne did to get even with Billie Joe?" she asked. The group hadn't talked about it at all and Addison was beginning to wonder if Adrienne had forgotten about it.

Noelle snorted. "No and I'd rather not find out." Addison furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I have a feeling that Adrienne's punishment would be something of the bedroom variety," Noelle explained. Addison's mouth made a small 'o' shape. She had not needed to know that. Addison was about to respond when someone else spoke.

"Holy shit, Ads." Addison knew that voice; it was the guy she had been hoping to avoid all night. She looked over and saw Tom walking towards them. "You look smoking hot." He stopped just in front of the girls, never taking his eyes off of Addison. He briefly looked over at Noelle, as if just noticing she was there. "You look nice too, Noelle," he added.

Noelle rolled her eyes. "Gee thanks, Tom," she said teasingly. "I'm going to go find the rest of the guys," she told them. Addison glared her, silently asking her not to go. "You two kids have fun," Noelle added with a wink in Addison's direction. Tom nodded to her as she walked away before turning his attention back to Addison.

" you want a drink?" Tom asked.

"Sure," Addison answered. Tom grabbed her hand and began to lead her to the kitchen, which was entirely unnecessary because Addison had been to Mark's house before and knew where the kitchen was. Addison could feel the calluses on Tom's hand, the result of him playing guitar for so many years.

The kitchen was filled with bottles of booze. Addison had no idea how all the drinks would be finished, but she guessed she should never underestimate teenagers. When Tom asked what she wanted she said beer was fine. He poured them each a beer from one of the kegs set up on the kitchen counter. Addison thanked him as he handed her a cup.

"So..." Addison started. "Have you done the homework for Earth and Space yet?" Tom smirked at her and then took a sip of his beer.

"We're at a party and you're asking me about homework?" Tom chuckled. "Come on, Ads. It's Friday, live a little!" Addison began to blush slightly from embarrassment.

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