Chapter Twenty-seven

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(A/N: I have three papers due this week so I decided to write this chapter instead. Yay for procrastination! I hope you guys like it! P.S. this GIF is an accurate depiction of me trying to write these papers.)

"Are you free tomorrow night?" Tom whispered to Addison during lunch on Monday. The two were sitting on the floor between the two couches their group always claimed. Addison didn't understand why Tom felt the need to whisper when none of their friends were paying them any attention anyways.

Addison shrugged. "I suppose. Why?" She could make an educated guess, but she didn't really understand why Tom kept asking her out on school nights.

"Because," Tom drew out the word as if to build up excitement, "I want to take you out. On a proper date."

"And what exactly have we been doing then?" Addison asked, smirking at Tom to let him know she was joking.

"Well there was our first non-date," Tom reminded her, like she could ever forget it. "And then we went stargazing, but I never asked you out properly. And there was homecoming, but that's not a real date, especially when you go with eight other people."

"So this is supposed to be you asking me out properly?" she raised an eyebrow. "It's not very impressive, Tom. I've gotta say."

Tom rolled his eyes. He set his sandwich down on his lap and took Addison's two empty hands in his. He looked deep into her eyes, completely serious now despite the joking manner he had been in just a few seconds earlier.

"Addison Webb, will you go out with me on a date tomorrow night?" he asked.

"Yes," Addison answered, somewhat taken aback by his gesture.

"Great," Tom smiled and turned back to his lunch like he asked out girls every day. Except Addison knew that she was the first girl he'd ever asked out. Like she had said before their non-date, Tom didn't go on dates.

And of course, being Tom, he didn't tell her where they were going, leaving Addison to panic slightly after school Tuesday. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, she had three friends and a younger sister that were more than willing to help her get ready.

"You should probably wear a dress," Skye advised, "since he said he wants to take you out on a proper date."

"It's still Tom though. Remember how he took me to Taco Bell for dinner," Addison reminded, trying to get out of wearing a dress.

"That wasn't a date though," Adrienne retorted. "This is cute." Adrienne pulled out a black dress that had most likely been buried in the back of Addison's closet. It was one of the dresses her mom had insisted she wear for Christmas at her grandmother's one year, after which she had never worn again. It was cute, about mid-thigh in length with a cinched waistline and lacy long sleeves.

"You should definitely wear that," Alice instructed.

"Yeah," Skye agreed. "You can wear black tights so you won't be too cold."

"You can even wear Converse," Noelle tempted Addison.

"Okay," Addison quickly agreed to the outfit at the mention of Converse.

Her friends picked out her red high-tops and other accessories, including a red belt and a red headband with a bow on it that belonged to Alice. Thankfully they left her hair alone, keeping it in its usual wavy and somewhat tangled state. They let her do her own eyeliner with the compromise that she would wear red lipstick. Once she had finished getting ready, her friends wanted to stay at her house and wait for her to get back from the date, which she refused. So they left the house reluctantly, complaining the whole time. But Alice had promised to update them when Addison got home so they could pester her for details.

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