Chapter Twenty-two

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Addison woke up the next morning to something pressed against her hip bone. She tried to roll over so she could go back to sleep but she couldn't because her body was pinned down. Her eyes fluttered open and saw that Tom was holding her captive in his sleep. He was sleeping on his side, his body slightly leaning against hers, with his right arm wrapped around Addison's waist, loose enough not to make her uncomfortable but tight enough to restrict her movements. Addison never would have thought that Tom liked to cuddle in his sleep.

Addison shifted her weight on the bed, trying to pull away from Tom. But that only caused Tom to pull her closer to him, increasing the pressure against her hip. Judging from the position of their bodies, Addison could make an accurate guess as to what exactly was poking her; and based on the amount of pressure she would guess Tom had a bad case of morning wood. Addison used her hand that wasn't trapped between her and Tom to try and loosen Tom's grip. For a second Addison thought she was successful because Tom's fingers began to relax, but Tom surprised her once again by rolling over so he was laying half on top of her. Now his entire body was pinning her down, not just his arm.

She gently began to shake Tom's shoulder. "Tom," Addison whispered. "You have to wake up."

"Five minutes, Mom," Tom mumbled into the pillow they were sharing. Addison giggled and began to imagine the frustration Ms. DeLonge most likely had to go through every morning to wake up her teenage son.

"No, Tom, you have to get up." Tom just groaned in response. Addison kissed his cheek in an attempt to wake him up. The cliché worked and Tom turned his head so he was facing Addison. His eyes slowly opened, squinting slightly to adjust to the sunlight in the room coming through the windows.

"Morning," Tom greeted in a rough voice.

"Good morning," Addison smiled. "Now that you're awake, would you mind getting off of me?"

Tom's eyes widened, now realizing he was practically lying on top of her. "Oh, uh, sorry about that," Tom apologized sheepishly. He climbed off of her so that he was on his side again, but now there was a foot of space between them.

"It's okay," Addison reassured. "Just a warning that you're a cuddler would've been nice, that's all." Addison rolled over onto her side so that they were facing each other.

"I didn't know," Tom shrugged with one shoulder. "You're the first person I've slept with." Addison raised an eyebrow. Tom rolled his eyes. "I mean where we actually go to sleep."

"Really?" Addison asked, surprised. Tom nodded. "Oh." Addison wasn't sure how to respond to that tidbit of information. On one hand she felt kind of special, like Tom had chosen her, like she was different from all the other girls he's been with. Then again, Tom could just be lying to make her feel that way, but Addison wasn't quite sure why he would lie about falling asleep with other people.

Apparently Tom wasn't expecting much of a response because he quickly changed the subject. He propped himself up on his elbow and analyzed something behind Addison before meeting her gaze again. "Why are we up so early?" Tom asked, running a hand through his messy bed head hair.

Addison glanced behind her and saw an alarm clock on the bedside table, displaying the time 10:38 in bright red numbers. She wouldn't exactly classify that as early but they did stay up late last night.

"Well," Addison answered slowly, trying her best not to blush. "Your, um...little friend kind of woke me up." Tom looked back at her with a blank expression on his face for a few seconds until he burst out laughing. If Addison hadn't been blushing before, she certainly was now.

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