Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: small smut warning)

As promised, once the sisters had ordered a supreme pizza, Addison told Alice all about her current relationship with Tom and their non-date scheduled for next weekend. Alice had rolled her eyes and informed her sister that it was indeed a date. Addison denied it, saying that there was no way she was dating Tom regardless of the bet/plan. Then she had changed the subject and the girls spent the rest of the night watching a mixture of horror movies and chick-flicks, an interesting combination to say the least.

The rest of the week was unexciting compared to last week. Addison had spent Sunday doing all her homework that she had procrastinated on. Much to her dismay Monday arrived quickly and brought school with it. Monday was also the first day she had talked to Gerard since the party Friday night. He had seemed quieter than usual, only talking to Addison when she spoke to him first. He acted like that for the entire week. Addison wondered if Noelle was right and that her kiss had freaked Gerard out. After all, Frank did say Gerard didn't hang out with girls often. Addison was too afraid to ask Gerard about his behavior though, not wanting to upset him any further. She figured if he wanted to talk to her about something, he would.

Tom also seemed to be distancing himself from Addison, which she found strange after what happened Saturday. He was friendly enough and still talked to her when he saw her, he just wasn't as pushy to be with her like he had been last week. Addison almost thought he had given up the bet, but she was proven wrong on Friday.

"The movie starts at 7:20 so I'll pick you up at six tonight. You know, for our celebratory dinner and movie but not a date," Tom smirked. It was the first time he had mentioned the non-date all week. Addison had been hoping he had forgotten about it.

"Fine," Addison muttered. "What are we seeing?" she asked as they entered Earth and Space class.

Tom's smirk grew. "That's for me to know and you to find out in several hours." Addison rolled her eyes at his immaturity.

Now, three hours and thirty minutes later, Addison was finishing up her makeup for her non-date. She had decided to wear something somewhat nicer than her usual wardrobe attire, with much convincing from Alice. She was wearing one of Alice's tops: a nice red blouse that hung lower than Addison's T-shirts, but it wasn't too revealing. Addison had paired it with gray skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, and red Converse high-tops, much to Alice's dismay. She hadn't done anything special with her hair or makeup, trying to prove to Alice that it wasn't a date.

The doorbell rang and Addison cursed under her breath as she rushed to finish her eyeliner. She grabbed her phone and some cash and stuffed it in her back pocket, not bothering with a purse. She ran downstairs, calling out a goodbye to Alice who was working in the kitchen with Mikey. This time the sisters' parents actually knew about the visit, but no one was supervising them because their dad was working late (again) and their mom was sleeping because she was going to be working the night shift at the hospital tonight. Now that she thought about it, Addison's dad had been working late a lot lately. It wasn't that unusual because he was a lawyer so he would occasionally get a big case that required his utmost attention but it was still strange.

Addison cleared her head from thinking about her parents as she opened the front door. There stood Tom, wearing the same clothes he had worn to school that day: jeans, a T-shirt, and black and white checkered Vans. Great, Addison knew he was going to tease her about changing.

"You're here early," Addison commented as she stepped outside and locked the door behind her. Tom shrugged and led them to his car.

"Had to make a good impression," he smirked as they got into the car. "You look nice for our not-a-date," he added once he began driving to their destination. Addison had called it.

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