8|Christmas Box

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Imagine receiving a giant christmas box that came from Taylor Swift.

"Y/N, there's a giant box for you by the door!" Your brother shouted from the living room. You smile at yourself while figuring out who could it be. It could be anything really. It could be a giant teddy bear from your best friend or a prize that she won for the 84th time or a taylor swift christmas box. Okay, maybe the christmas box won't happen but anyone could dream right? You walk down your wooden stairs, skipping two steps at the time. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you ran directly towards the giant box that was addressed to you. You checked the top portion. It said to Y/N Y/N/L from your best friend, Taylor Swift. With that, you screamed so loudly your neighbour knocked to your door and asked if you were alright. Your brother came down laughing at your reaction. You were to happy to notice him.

You quickly opened the big giant cardboard box. Looking through the box, you find a iPhone, Polaroid, nail polish, and so many things in the box. How could you ever repay taylor? At the bottom of the box lies a letter addressed to you. Slowly opening the letter, two tickets fell out. You did what you thought you would do if this ever happened. You screamed in delight and cried of tears of joy. How could you not? This was TAYLOR SWIFT. Aside from the tickets, you found two backstage passes that could only mean one thing. You were going to meet her too. When you finally got yourself to read the letter, this is what it said.

Hey Y/N! I hope you liked everything in this box. I wrapped it myself and bought the things that I thought would be nice for you. I heard that you wanted a polaroid camera so I gave you mine. I saw that you gave your old phone to the young man who needed it more. That was so kind and generous of you. Thank you for being their for me and supporting me for so long. I love you so much. I hope that you never change. Thank you for sharing your life with me. See you in November! Stop by so we can meet! Thank you for standing by me and my music. It warms my heart that you find yourself in my songs. Thank you. Forever Grateful, Taylor.

With one last look in the letter, you managed to bring everything to your room filled with Taylor merchandise. You were so happy. You had to pinch yourself to make sure that you were really here.

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