49| unlucky lucky finish

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Imagine Taylor meeting you in a plane and everything else start from there.

You, Y/N, sadly have this thing called bad luck. You were bad in roll dice based games. You were bad at picking good homework assignments. You were bad at anything that had to do with luck. Maybe you had it all gotten from you because you were certain that people are not as unlucky as you are. You had to deal with everyday. It was not a huge issue but it was still keeping you annoyed at your lack of luck. Then one day, you entered a competition to meet Taylor, get into a first class plane, and stay with her in her apartment in New York. Given your bad luck, your friends told you to not come but you insisted. You felt like today was different and it was. You did everything that you could to increase your chances of winning. You threw salt over your shoulder. You knocked at wood. You helped people around you. You were in high hopes.

When the say finally came, you were in constantly pacing back and forth hoping that you could win. When the day passed, you were disappointed once again and carried on with your life. A month later, your phone began to blown up in texts and calls. When you checked them all, you screamed. They were messages from your swiftie friends, normal friends, and your family. They were congratulating you for winning. You clicked on the link and saw your face on Taylor's twitter. It says,


The next few hours was you crying and trying to pack your things.

On the day of the airport, you checked in and boarded the plane. The plane was huge. The seats were in pairs. Each chair was good enough for two people clearly but used for one. They looked almost like beds of some sort. It was pretty fancy. Knowing the ride was going to be long, you rest your eyes. You were conscious of everything around you. There were people chatting. It was pretty noisy. When you felt someone sit next to you, your eyes fluttered open revealing Ed Sheeran.

"Oh hi Ed." You greeted, trying your best to act as cool as possible.
"Hey Y/N. Having fun?" Ed asked. All you could do was nod when you saw your co passengers. They were your favourite actors and musicians. Your eyes widened and tears were forming. This is so overwhelming.
"How did this happen?" You asked, smiling at all of them.

"Oh Taylor was stalking you and convinced everyone to come."

"Yeah, it took around two months. Hi Y/N." Taylor greeted you. You stood up and hugged her. You were immensely in her depth now.

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