22|Opening Act Y/N

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Imagine being the opening act for Taylor Swift

"Good afternoon New York City!!! Before we start, I would like to introduce this beautiful girl. She literally released my favourite song of all time, Y/N come out! Let's get your hands for Y/N!" Taylor said enthusiastically. The crowd of 55,000 people screamed and cheered your name. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N! That is all what you heard echoing in the stadiums. You were awestruck. You haven't seen so many people happy to see you. You were grateful for Taylor for doing this for her. Your agent called you a few weeks ago telling you that Taylor Swift wants you to join her for her tour. You reaction? You screamed as loud as you can and jumped up and down.

You stepped into the stage, with your acoustic guitar in your hands. You made your way into the middle of the stage. A singular spotlight was on you.

"This song was made for all of you guys." You said, trying out the strings if they were all tuned. You tuned some strings. "I loved this song because it held so much hope that I wish I had with love." You strummed the few notes and everyone screamed.  You played the song with your heart and soul.
"So once you heart beats flutter again, just know it's only the beginning." With that last lyric, you smiled and walked off the stage. You sat in the backstage watching Taylor do her thing. When it came to the surprise song, you didn't know that she was going to surprise you and she did.

"Y/N! Come out again. Let's sing your favourite song." She asks, looking back at you from behind the stage. You walked out again with people cheering so loudly. Your favourite song was tied together with a smile. It was never sang live but that was okay to everyone in the stadium. It's your treat.

So you sang it together. Beautifully. The crowd sang each word too. When the song ended, you had tears in your eyes and so did Taylor. It was a beautiful moment for everyone there and for you.

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