44| Superhero Taylor

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I'm bored. What am I doing?

Imagine that Taylor had a gift. She was a superhero.

She could heal. That was the truth about Taylor. Aside from being a talented songstress, she had this magnificent talent to save people. She could heal them with a touch of a finger. But what she could not heal was a broken heart which made it ironic. The hopeless romantic was hopeless to heal breaks.  She found a way around that through songs. She found ways to put beats together. And that's how she found a way. No one knew of this except for her friend Abigail. She found it by accident. She took a deep dive in a pool of trust when he chose not to jump either. Abigail was broken for a while before Taylor took a guitar and started working.

You probably had a moment too in your life where you felt like the world was going against you. That each time you punched harder, it would punch you ten times as much. You would question to why life was giving you a hard time. You questioned fate and its games. You felt the only person being played was you. We all had these moments. With Taylor's music, she had helped you. It was remarkable. She didn't have to meet you to be able to help you.

When you crossed paths with her, you thanked fate again. She took her time with you. She talked to you like she had met you for so long almost like you were childhood best friends. She was genuine too. There was no mean bone on her body and you loved her even more.

As you lived your following days, you learned that you got her gift too. You became a superhero like her, helping everyone.

The next time you saw her was on her concert. You saw her do it again. Hearts were placed back together. A smile was plastered on their faces. You were glad that she was here.

At the end of the concert, you were invited to go backstage with her. You walked over and see Taylor on her couch. She smiled and signalled you to sit next to her.

You pulled her into a warm tight hug knowing this could be your last. You closed your eyes told her everything you wanted to say. It could only summarise in two words. Thank You. She was the reason for no teardrops on your guitar. She was the reason why you believed in shooting stars. You loved her so much for doing for what she does. She makes things better. She loved you too. She was able to help so many people. She loved it.

Taylor Alison Swift was your superhero and you were happy with that. She was just your favourite person in the whole world. It was hard to hate on her when she was a lovely duck.

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