27|Surprise Surprise.

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Imagine trying to prove that Taylor was your friend that instead she comes to help you out.

During the summer, you had met Taylor in Nashville in bluebird Cafe. Ever since Taylor was discovered here, she had kept it in her mind to visit again and again. She visits every Monday afternoo and it was the time that you were on too. She would hear you sing about your own heartbreaks and love stories. She saw a lot of you in her.

"Take your time, everything will be fine sooner or later, love." You sang, as you strummed the last chords. You bowed as people cheered for you. You stood up and walked down to the nearest booth.

"That was great, honestly." Taylor said as she took the seat in front of you.

"Thank you so much. That coming from you makes so much to me, Taylor." You say, trying not to fangirl in front of her.

"We should write some time. Something great might come out of it." She says, hinting on making a number one hit with her. You were excited and nervous at the same time. This would be the first time that someone had approached you.

"Yeah we should." You said. Though you did not talk to her after three weeks, you were immensely hopeful that it would happen. You told everyone at school that you knew Taylor but no one believed you. They called you a liar for what you said. They were thinking that you were not "cool" enough to do that. They were proven wrong once Taylor walked into your classroom and asked for you.

"Hi Ms.Claire? May I speak to Y/N for a moment?" The assistant principal asked your very strict teacher. She folded her arms as she glared at you. She hated everyone in the school, you included.

"Why give me one good reason?" She snarls at the assistanct making you look up sadly. You were sure that you did something wrong.

"Taylor Swift is waiting for her outside to make a song with her." She said softly. Her voice was soft but it was sure heard by everyone in the classroom. This made everyone look at you. They were speechless and you grinned happily. With not caring about what your teacher said, you walked over to the principal's office.

Taylor met you into the coffee shop next to your school. She had already talked to your parents about skipping school and they were fine with it.

"How was school?" She asks, sipping her espresso.

"It was good but better when you picked me up. The look on their faces were priceless. You are awesome, Taylor!" You said as a couple of your classmates saw you talking to Taylor. You smiled at them and revert back to Taylor. She shook her head as she continued to talk to you about the actual reason why.

"Do you want to get signed under my label?" She asks. You screamed loudly causing everyone to look at you. You jumped out of your seat and thanked Taylor a million times. From that moment on, things changed.

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