51| Loved and Loving

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Imagine meeting Taylor by the street with her boyfriend, Adam Wiles, and they together ask you to join them. 

You and your boyfriend/girlfriend went to a dinner in New York City. As a couple, you made a bet to not use your phones at dinner. If one of you does, the person who picks up their phone has to stand up and perform on stage.  It just so happens that the restaurant that you were going to had some special performers on there. 

"Hey, love. Remember our bet. If you use your phone, you have to perform and the whole world will get to hear your lovely voice." He/She says, smiling cheekily. He/ She knew that you loved your phone and you had this tendency to answer it because you felt like not answering quickly. He/ She was so confident when you went into the dinner because he/she got a glimpse of your favourite female singer and her boyfriend, Calvin Harris or Adam Wiles. He/ She nudged you and showed you that Taylor Swift was sitting across from your table. You could not help but hide behind him/her. He/She chuckled at you and he/she grabbed your hand. He/She sat across you, looking at you wearily, trying to see if you're about to cry or laugh or faint. The  look in your face was so cheerful, your love could not help but laugh. You were acting so adorable, trying not look Taylor or Calvin in the face. 

"(insert your boyfriend or girlfriend name or b/g/n), don't look at me like that, it's Taylor Swift. She's  a lovely person and she's nice and talented and really really great as a-" You said, moving his/her face away from your direction. He/She reacted by laughing even more. He/ She grabbed placed his/her fingers by your chin. Your attention raised. While this was happening, Taylor was talking about you with Adam. 


"Look at them, Ad. They're perfect for each other. Do you want us to sing for them because that might make them feel even better." Taylor suggested, pleading with her eyes to sing. Adam smiles at her and just nods. Adam Wiles was incredibly happy to be with Taylor and he knew it. Aside from her talent, her heart caught his attention and held it since. He would try his best to make her feel happy anything even if it meant performing some time. 

"Alright, Taylor. We can sing for them." Adam says, causing Taylor to smile so widely at him. He smiles shyly. They both stand, causing you stare at them. Taylor looks at you, winking at you and you swore that you almost fell of your seat. You see them walk over to the stage, grab the microphone. 

"Hey guys, I'm Taylor and this is Adam. We've been looking around and I saw this couple who sat next to us. She was so being so cute and he was just being so sweet to her. This is a song  that I made because for me, it reflected true love. This is love." Taylor says. Calvin starts to strum the guitar, playing the familiar chords of your favourite song. You stood up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, held him/her close and listened to the song. When the song ended, Taylor walked over to you with Adam not far away. She smiles at the both of you.

"Thank you for playing that song. That's my favourite." You said, smiling even bigger. Your love looks at you in awe which made Taylor smile. Adam walks over and hugs Taylor from behind. 

"When I was listening to you guys, I heard your conversation and I heard that you liked me so I just wanted to wish you all the best for this whole thing. You both look perfect." Taylor stated honestly. Taylor invited both of you to sit in her table. The rest of the night was flawless. No one held their phones except to take pictures. 

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