39| Cold Wet

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Imagine seeing Taylor soaking wet from the rain and helping her by offering her an umbrella.

Taylor wanted to see what would happen if she wore a disguise and walked around the park before it rained. It was some sort of social experiment.

At the same time, you just came from a fresh breakup with the longest relationship that you had. You loved him so much and you thought that he loved you the same. You were wrong. When the truth was set free, you could not hold your tears from falling down your cheek. Your heart felt as if it was trampled on and nothing was left to keep. That was the moment that you grabbed your iPod, raincoat, and a umbrella and left your umbrella. On these days, the only thing that could make you feel better was a warm cup of english breakfast tea latte and a long walk into the nearest park. You had watched the rain start to fall from your seat in the coffee cafe. You took short sips, observing everything that was surrounded you. After twenty minutes, you decided that you wanted to go to the park. Your heart was still crushed but the tea had healed some parts of it.

The park was in a block away, not that far for you to walk by. You saw people run with their bags on their heads. You saw people run into their cars. People walking with their umbrellas.

When you finally reached the park, the streetlights had turned on. Most of the people who were here left the park. It was near being stranded. No one was here except for the woman that you saw near the pond. She was soaked wet. Her clothes stuck to her skin. Her hair must be dripping by now.  Without hesitation, you ran to her and covered her with the umbrella and started to talk.

"No umbrella?" You asked her, the stranger responding with a quick handshake.

"Wanna get out of the rain, I have a place close to here. We can get you dry." You suggested. When she turned her head to show who she was, you gasped and ran to her, leaving your umbrella on the ground.

"Taylor... Why are you here?"

"I had a bad day and I like to come here when it happens. It calms me down." 

"Well, do you mind me staying with you?" 

"Not at all." 

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