20|Café Apollo

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Imagine meeting her in a beautiful Cafe shop.

You loved coffee, absolutely can not live without a cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up. You loved music too, almost as much as you loved coffee. When you found a place that had CDs and Coffee being sold in the same place, you instantly fell in love with everything it was about. Every Saturday afternoon, you would grab your skateboard and head over to the shop called Apollo's Cafe. At first, the red painted walled cafe, tinted transparent windows intimidated you from enjoying it. After the initial shock of the whole different vibe that the cafe was giving you, you grew to love it. You would sit in the farthest end of the shop, closest to the view of the park. You would stay there until the sun has set, grabbed your things and left the same way you came.

When Christmas time came, you spent more time in this cafe working on a few future projects coming up. By twelve noon, you had three cups of coffee on your table. Your pen was dangerously close to running out. Once you were about to dully freak out, the doors of the cafe opened showing off the new customer. She had blond hair and blue piercing eyes. She was familiar. You've know her for so long. You grew up with her. She was Taylor Swift. In the inside, you were screaming your heads off, your heart was fast beating. Out of surprise, you held your composure. You went back to your planning as hard as you could. You felt someone walk towards your seat. You didn't bother looking up until Taylor said hi.

"Hi!" She says excitedly. You gave her one of your biggest smiles.

"Hello there. Do you know where the restroom is?" She asks.

"Yeah I do. Turn left,then straight and you'll find it."

"Thanks." She answers, heading out to the restroom. You look beside you and see that she has left her back. You placed her bag on the table and silently watches the bag before she returns. Ten minutes later, she comes back looks at you and smiles.

"I almost forgot this." She says.

"Yeah, I was holding it up for you." You say, giving her the bag from the table.

"Thanks, I'm Taylor." She introduces herself to you. It was weird because you were sure that she knows that everyone knows her.

"Yeah, I know. I'm Y/N." You said, introducing yourself.

She stayed for a long time after that, talking about music and her cats. Little did you know, this was the start of a friendship and you owning this cafe.

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