II: Adolynne Playne

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*Bob's PoV*
"I need help" said the woman, soaking wet she invited herself in. "Bob, I've missed you" she said, and she hugged me. I looked at Ree over her shoulder "who is she?".

I couldn't make out what Ree said next. "Why aren't you hugging me back? Don't you remember me?" She asked.

"Sorry no, I don't. Should I?" I have no idea who she is, "Forgive me for not knowing or umm remembering you".

"It's okay, I understand completely" she said, I was there when you lost your memory, but before I could see you Poseidon came and took you to Olympus" she pushed the hair out of my eyes, and stepped back. "I'm sorry, it's not like you remember me or anything".

"Honey, she was your best friend before you lost your Memory in the Lethe eighteen years ago" Ree looked at me.

I took Ree's hand in mine. "So can we help you?" I asked.

"My boyfriends twin sisters were abducted and I was chased across Greece" she said, "I completely forgot when I saw you".

"Sorry if this is rude as I should know you, but what is your name...Oreo, ring any bells?" She asked and I nodded no, "Adolynne Playne, daughter of Leto".

She puts her hand out and I shake it. I suddenly get a vision of my past, "I remember we were traversing the underworld when some Someone summoned Typhon to the underworld. We were in a small cave on the shore of Styx, and you were there, writing on your diary" I said.

"How do you remember anything if the Lethe took your memories?" She asked.

"Dad, does she not know we're legacies of Apollo that have foresight?" Diana chimed in.

"Adolynne this is my daughter Diana Avalon. Sebastian can you come here please" I called. Sebastian came around the corner from the the Dining room.

"Bash, nice to meet you Adolynne" Bash shook her hand and returned to the table. Diana pulls her in the Dining room, as Ree and I follow hand in hand, Diana introduces Adolynne to Sasha and Tabetha.

"You can call me Oreo" she shook Tabetha's hand. "Help yourself, there's plenty to go round" Ree offered filling her plate.

"So what does Artemis think of you being married and being one of her hunters?" She said.

"Hunter? I'm not a hunter, I've seen Artemis she didn't say anything about my being a hunter" I replied quickly..

"But you are Bob" Oreo smiled.

"Oh gosh, what will Kida think" my eyes widen "Kida".

"Not so loud Bro" Sinbad said, "Kida, let's shadow travel to Bob and Rhea's, something's up".

"Didn't they move Daddy?" Asked Skye. "Yes sweetheart" Sinbad answered, "Be there in a sec bro".

Sinbad, Skye, and Kida emerged from the shadows in the dark living room. Diana ran to Skye for a hug and they went off to Diana's room.

"Kida, hi, I'm a Hunter and you never told me" I blurted out.

"Yes I liked you then as well" she looked cautiously at Ree.

"Can we get over this now Kida?, you're my sister in law" Ree smiled, "Why should it be awkward to say you had a crush on him?".

"You too" Oreo looked at Kida. "Great it's like I don't know you anymore" Oreo pouted and looked away.

"So what, I married to the most amazing person I've ever known, are we supposed to let a friendship die over that? No definitely not, I will use foresight to remember pieces of our past, I'm sure I can"I looked into her eyes trying to remember, but no memories surfaced.

"Thanks for trying Bob, but it's not the same"  Oreo smiled back. Why does she have to be so difficult about this? I'm trying to remember I am. Oreo isn't making this easy. Was she really my best friend?.

"Okay, you know me so well, where is my birthmark?" I asked.

"Is this necessary?" She asked, "Left side lower back".

"Sorry, it's just weird when someone knows you so well and you don't know a thing about them" I said.

"Well she was there too" Oreo looked at Ree.

"You never told me that" I frowned at Ree.

"Was I supposed to tell you I liked you before we met on our way up to Olympus? Because when I saw you battling alongside Oreo here so heroic and stuff, it's when I fell for you, and she never made a move on you for some reason, so when I saw you come into the elevator, well I made you mine" Ree kissed my cheek.

"I'm happy you did" she I said, "So Oreo are you seeing anyone?".

"Matt Holden actually" she held up her hand to show me her ring with a yellow diamond surrounded by sapphires.

"Wow, that's beautiful" Ree said.

"Matt is good to me but he never cared the way you do, Rhea you're very Lucky" Oreo took another bite. "He can cook, clean, love and fight for you".

"Like I don't do that already" I smiled sideways at Ree.

"Well the weather is much too wet to go back out, stay here the night" Ree said. Diana folded the sofa out into a double bed, and a spare blanket from the hall closet.

"Thanks, Diana is it? I like your name" Oreo smiled.
"I'm named after Lady Artemis so what?" Diana sighed.
"Artemis is my half sister, we have the same mother, Leto is also Titaness motherhood" Oreo said, "just like you".
Ree smirks at Oreo, "And who is Queen of Titans?" Ree was just teasing now.
"Mi amor" I whispered.
"So cute how your accent isn't Spanish, say something else" Ree clapped
"Besame" I said. She kissed me, but for some reason I backed away.
I looked at Rhea, "perdón" I said grabbing her cheeks and there was a flash to my side. Tabetha took a photo.
"What was that for?" Ree asked.
"I miss you sometimes" she said putting a hand on Sasha's, "She does, and now she you" Sasha added.
"You always have us, no matter what" I walk aroundther the table playing a song from my phone, "Tabetha, can you dance with me?" I asked.
"I don't dance" she said. "Liar, you're really good" Sasha pulled Tabetha's chair out, "Now dance with your Dad".

Her hair still smiled like the sea, just like it always did, "How Majesty these days?" She wrapped her arms over me as we swayed, shifting our weight from one foot to the other. I smiled the biggest smile I have smiled in weeks.

"Sasha can you take a photo and send it to me, my camera and phone are both in the room" Ree whispered at Sasha, and another flash hit me. Sasha still had her phone pointed at Tabetha and I, and started videoing us.

"I'm going to my room before I puke, may I be excused Mum?" Bash asked.

"You're dismissed private Avalon" Ree laughed.

"But I'm a sergeant now" Bash stomped all the way to his room.

Ree stood and and came closer, "Mind if I cut in dear?".
"Please do Mum" Tabetha sighed a sigh of relief.
"Too old to dance with dad?, getting too big for me are you?" I hounded her.
"No dad, nothing like that, I swear, just dance with Mum" Tabetha sat down beside Sasha still recording Me, now dancing with Ree.

"Tell me something in Spanish, please?" I asked
"Te quiero y siempre lo haré" she said.
"You haven't taught me what that means yet, translate please?" I gave a puzzled, completely oblivious to what it meant.
"I love you, and I always will" she said, "stop crying".
I take a deep breath, "I just don't know what you see in me, I'm just a son of Poseidon who got lucky in a fight with Typhon"

"You defended Olympus and although you didn't know at the time, you defended me" Ree said.

"Saved my life several times too" Oreo added.

"Rhea Avalon" I said, "I would still risk my life for you, in a heartbeat without hesitation".

"What more could I ask for?" She rested her head on my shoulder and the night wore on, Sasha stop recording after two minutes and everyone was in bed, I was sitting out on the balcony with Ree and Oreo.

"So Oreo, tell me about one of our adventures" I suggested.

Tabetha's Tales 3: Love in PerilNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ